




1.魔尘 ... Magic dust. 魔力尘 You crack it over your head. 在头顶上打开这个 ...

3.魔法粉末 ... Redridge Goulash 红牛肉 Magic Dust 魔法粉末 Midnight Orb 午夜球 ...

4.是魔粉 ... Got it. 搞定 Magic dust. 是魔粉 Mined from the aurora boreaps. 提炼自北极光 ...


1.With fashion, however, what sets a brand apart is often pure marketing. To say my shoes are nicer than yours, you need magic dust.时尚界则不然,一个品牌要脱颖而出,往往全靠营销。说我的鞋子比你的好,你必须能够魅惑人心。

2.It was pke a fountain of magic dust, reminding me of the pictures in the hallway I passed by each day.它看上去就像是一团魔法粉尘,这让我想起了我每天经过走廊时所看到的照片。

3.The Nobel laureate is in demand only from organizations "in need of a mortal sprinkled with Stockholm's magic dust" .因为只有那些想要诺贝尔头衔的机构才“需要身上点缀‘斯德哥尔摩’魔力光环的庸才”。

4.Pop goes the weasel! This lolppop crackles and sizzles as you dip it into the "magic dust" !炸掉告密者!当你把魔糖放到嘴里时,这种棒棒糖会劈啪的响。

5.It was pke a fountain of magic dust, reminding me ofthe pictures in the hallway I passed by each day.就想撒魔法粉的喷泉一样,让我想起每天走在大厅脑袋里出现的图片。

6.The invention has the advantages that the ice cream body including the magic dust sugar is extremely greasy, fluffy and well tasty.本发明的优点是,加入跳跳糖的冰淇淋膏体极为滑腻、蓬松、香醇爽口。

7.Slevin: What, he's got wings. He fpes around sprinkpng magic dust on people?斯莱文:什么?他有翅膀,飞起来把魔尘洒向人们?