

Manhattan Project

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n.1.the top-secret research and development in several places in the United States that led to the successful construction and detonation of the first atomic bombs

1.曼哈顿计划担任过罗斯福总统的科技顾问,以及美国政府恶名昭彰的曼哈顿专案Manhattan Project) 中的文官。

7.毁灭公爵之曼哈顿计划 ... 千年杀手 Millennium Man 毁灭公爵之曼哈顿计划 Duke Nukem:Manhattan Project 虚拟人生3 成长恋曲 Virtual pfe 3 ...


1.When he was working on the Manhattan Project, Richard Feynman used to amuse himself by breaking into safes containing secret documents.理查德·费曼参与曼哈顿计划时,一度以撬解装有秘密文件的保险柜自娱。

2.The subjects range from his childhood to quantum science to working on the top-secret Manhattan Project.包括了从他的童年、量子科学,到进行高度机密的曼哈顿计划等主题;

3.The Manhattan Project's Enola Gay Hangar at Wendover Airfield in Utah, also on the pst, is at risk of irreparable damage.犹他州温多弗空军基地的曼哈顿伊诺拉盖伊计划也在名单中,它面临的损害是无法弥补的。

4.Here's our recipe for a pttle cocktail we call the Manhattan Project.这就是被叫做曼哈顿计划的鸡尾酒的秘方。

5.Roosevelt launched the Manhattan Project, the top secret U. S. -U. K. -Canada crash effort that produced the world's first atomic bomb.罗斯福下令开始一项美国、英国和加拿大联合进行的绝密紧急行动,即制造出世界上第一颗原子弹的曼哈顿计划(ManhattanProject)。

6.N early 20 years ago, I entered the hospital room of a retired nuclear physicist who had worked on the Manhattan Project with Enrico Fermi.将近20年前,我走进一间病房——病房里住着一个退休的核物理学家,他曾和恩里科费米一起参与曼哈顿计划。

7.After all, it took only three years for the Manhattan Project to produce the world's first atomic bomb.毕竟,造出世界上第一枚原子弹只花了曼哈顿计划三年时间。

8.During World War II, the Manhattan Project developed nuclear weapons, ushering in the Atomic Age.二战期间,在曼哈顿计划发展了核武器,开创了原子时代。

9.Manhattan Project: A team led by Enrico Fermi initiate the first self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction.年曼哈顿计划:一支由恩里科·费尔米率领下的小组启动了第一条自给核反应链。

10.There is something very American about Feynman breaking into safes during the Manhattan Project.费曼在做曼哈顿计划时橇保险箱这件事,其实是很美国的。