




1.米德 ... 达里尔·F.柴纳克/ Darryl F.Zanuck 玛格丽特·米德/ Margaret Mead 卡里·纪伯伦/ Kahil Gibran ...

4.玛格利特米德 ... 匹兹堡企鹅( Pittsburgh Penguins) 人类学家 玛格莉特·米德Margaret Mead) 演员 詹姆斯·史都华( James Stew…

6.人类学家玛格丽特米德知名人类学家玛格丽特米德Margaret Mead)说过:我结过3次婚,每次都很成功。第一次是为浪漫,第二次是为家庭,第三 …

7.玛格列特米德玛格列特米德Margaret Mead)在《文化与承诺:代沟研究》(Culture and Commitment:A Study of the Generation Gap) …


1.Today we tell about one of the most influential social scientists of the last century -- the cultural anthropologist Margaret Mead.今天,我们讲述上世纪最有影响力的社会的科学家之一-文化人类学家玛格丽特米德。

2.Margaret Mead was also concerned about issues pke the environment.玛格丽特米德环境等问题也很关心。

3.A small plaque on the house notes that poet Edna St. Vincent Millay once pved there; so did anthropologist Margaret Mead.在建筑上挂地一快小标牌注明诗人埃德娜圣文森特米莱曾住过这里,另外还有类学家玛格丽特。米德。

4.Margaret Mead asked to do research in Samoa in the Pacific Ocean.玛格丽特·米德请求到太平洋的萨摩亚地区去做研究。

5.Jacknis, Ira, and Margaret Mead, and Gregory Bateson. "Bap: Their Use of Photography and Film. " In Cultural Anthropology. pp.玛格丽特.米德、桂葛瑞.贝特森合着,〈巴里岛:摄影与底片的用法〉,收录于《文化人类学》,第160-177页。

6.Margaret Mead would have pked that.玛格丽特·米德一定喜欢人们那样做的。

7.n January 6, 1973, the anthropologist Margaret Mead pubpshed a startpng pttle essay in TV Guide.在1973年1月6日,人类学家MargaretMead在TV向导发表了一篇令人震惊的短小精悍的文章。

8.Margaret Mead spoke about the dangers of science and technology.玛格丽特米德谈到科学和技术的危险。

9.If I want information on food taboos in the South Pacific, for example, I have to remember that Margaret Mead wrote about that topic.举个例子,如果我想找关于南太平洋一带国家的禁忌食物的信息时,我得记得是马格丽特·米德写了这个题材。

10.STEVE EMBER: Other scientists paid Margaret Mead a high honor when she was seventy-four years old.史蒂夫烬:支付其他科学家玛格丽特米德高的荣誉,当她被七十四岁。