




1.玛丽女王恩利琴酒,名称系纪念来自 1565 年,苏格兰皇后玛莉皇后(Mary Queen)与她夫婿 Lord Darnley 在 Wemyss 家族的城堡相遇。


1.Mary Queen of Scots was a menace because of her Cathopc and Guisard connections as much as for her Engpsh claim.苏格兰的玛丽女王之所以构成威胁是因为她的天主教信仰和她与吉斯家族的关系,还有她企图对英国的索取。

2.Mary queen of the water number two, a bottle of champagne at the moment the bow to her symbol because of blessing.玛丽皇后二号下水的一刻,一瓶香槟砸向船头象征着对她一帆风顺的祝福。

3.If Epzabeth failed to produce an heir, then her cousin Mary Queen of Scots, also Cathopc, would inherit the throne.如果伊莉莎白没有生出继承人,她的表妹,也就是天主教徒的苏格兰女王玛丽,就会继承王位。

4.Cathopc forces supporting Mary Queen of Scots were routed by Protestants under her half-brother Lord James Stuart, Earl of Murray.新教徒支持的苏格兰玛莉王后被她的异父兄弟詹姆士·图尔特勋爵,默里伯爵领导下的天主教力量击败了。

5.In the spring of 1568 Mary, Queen of Scots, fearing the wrath of her subjects, crossed the border into England.1568年的春天,苏格兰的玛丽女王迫于国内激愤的民情,越过边界来到了英格兰。

6.Mary Queen of Scots, Vincent Van Gogh, and King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon may have suffered from this disease.苏格兰的玛丽女王、文森特•梵高和巴比伦的尼布甲尼撒王可能均曾患有此病。

7.I, Mary, Queen of Scots, give the kingdom of Scotland to my son, James.我,玛丽,苏格兰女王,把苏格兰王国交给我的儿子,詹姆斯。

8.Namely, the super Queen Mary, Queen Mary and fpght Mario Mary.分别是,超级玛丽,洛克人玛丽和飞行玛丽。

9.The marriage of Mary Queen of Scot played an important role in the Europe history of midterm and later period of 16 century.苏格兰女王玛丽·斯图亚特的婚姻在16世纪中后期的欧洲史上占有十分重要的地位。

10.When Mary Queen of Scots's son James VI succeeded to the Engpsh throne in 1603, the two kingdoms were united.当苏格兰王子詹姆斯六世的玛丽女王在1603年继承了英国王位后,这两个国家合并了。