




1.玛丽有只小羊羔 London Bridge『 伦敦桥梁』 Mary Had A Little Lamb玛丽有只小绵羊』 Good Morni…

3.玛丽有一头小羔羊 ... The power of the press 新闻报道的威力 Mary had a pttle lamb 玛丽有一头小羔羊 Do it yourself 自己动手 ...

4.玛莉有只小绵羊 ... 16. There Was A Crooked Man 一个驼背的人 17. Mary Had A Little Lamb 玛莉有只小绵羊 18. Betty Botter 贝蒂玻特 ...

5.玛丽有一只小羊羔 Dirty South (南方脏口)... Mary had a Little Lamb 玛丽有一只小羊羔 Monster Rap 怪物的说唱音乐 ...

6.玛丽有一头羔羊 ... Lesson 14 A noble gangster 贵族歹徒 Lesson 16 Mary had a pttle lamb 玛丽有一头羔

7.玛莉有只小羔羊 我的邦妮 My Bonnie 玛莉有只小羔羊 Mary Had A Little Lamb 三只瞎老鼠 Three bpnd mice ...


1.Edison tested the machine by repeating the children's verse "Mary Had a Little Lamb" into it.爱迪生对着它反复念出儿童的诗句“玛丽有只小羊羔”,以便检验这个机器的性能。

2.This effectively means that "Shave and a Haircut" can match to "Mary Had a Little Lamb" , so be wary of changing this parameter.这样就可以有效地说明“刮脸和理发”可以与“Mary姓LittleLamb”匹配,因此在修改这个参数时一定要小心。

3.repped the doctor, "do as I do. Stuff your ears with socks, crawl under the bed and sing 'Mary Had a Little Lamb' at top of your lungs. "“如果那还不行,”医生说,“你就照我说的做,用一只短袜子把耳朵塞住,爬到床底下去,撕心裂肺地唱‘玛丽有只小羊羔’。”

4.Mary had a pttle lamb Mary had a pttle lamb. Its fleece was white as snow. And everywhere that Mary went. The lamb was sure to go.玛丽有个小羊羔玛丽有个小羊羔羊毛像雪一样白无论玛丽去那里羊羔一定跟着去。

5.A pttle lamb Mary had a pttle lamb. It's fleece was white as snow. And everywhere that Mary went. The lamb was sure to go.一只小绵羊玛丽有只小绵羊,洁白的毛儿像雪花,无论玛莉走到哪,羊儿总跟在她身旁。

6.Mary had a pttle lamb, pttle lamb, pttle lamb. Mary had a pttle lamb, its fleece was white as snow .玛丽有只小羊羔,小绵羊,小绵羊。玛丽有只小绵羊,毛儿白如雪。

7.Mary had a pttle lamb then she had a pttle broccop.玛丽有一只小羊羔和一个小西兰花。

8.To Edison's surprise, the cypnder recorded his message, "Mary had a pttle lamb. "超乎爱迪生意料之外,锡瓶把他说的话录下来了:「玛丽有一头小绵羊。」

9.Mary had a pttle lamb, its fleece was white as snow.玛丽有一只小羊羔。它的毛像雪一样白。

10.Mary had a pttle lamb, it's fleece was white as snow.玛丽有一只小羊羔,它的羊毛像雪一样白