




1.麦格雷戈 ... 贺滋柏格 Herzberg 麦理格 Mcgregor 梅尧 Mayo ...

4.麦格雷格论 赫兹堡(Herzberg)双因素理论 麦格雷格McGregor )XY理论 Y 激励理论的比较 安全 生理 社会 自尊 麦格雷格 马斯 …

5.麦克瑞格老牌的管理学者麦克瑞格(McGregor)早在二十世纪中叶就一再强调一个能将组织目标和个人目标整合起来的组织,他的员工将 …

6.麦葛瑞格10 下列有关麦葛瑞格(McGregor)的烫爐法则(Hot Stove Rule)理論运用之叙述,何者正确?{X 理論(性惡論) | Y 理論(性惡論…

7.麦克葛瑞格人性本善理论 以麦克葛瑞格McGregor)为代表,认为人性是善良的(Y理论),对工作有主动积极的精神,并非如传统理论 …

8.麦克格雷戈三是麦克格雷戈(McGregor)理论,核心为人格图式论(X-Y论),包括X人格图式即威权图式,企图借助严格规定和他人检查,采用操纵 …


1.By feeding the data into a computer, Dr McGregor has been able to detect the onset of an infection before obvious symptoms emerge.在把这些数据输入计算机之前,McGregor博士已经能够发现在某一明显症状发生前的感染的发生。

2.While Ewan McGregor acts well, his character is difficult and challenging to respond to - which, of course, is the aim of the film-makers.伊云麦葵格的演出相当精采,其角色难度颇高,具挑战性-当然,这是电影制作人目的。

3.A gig was coming along the road; it was driven by Mr. McGregor, and beside him sat Mrs. McGregor in her best bonnet.一辆轻便两轮马车沿着路来了;由麦格雷戈先生驾车,旁边坐着戴着她那顶最漂亮的宽边软帽的麦格雷戈太太。

4.McGregor's garden, " and described how he had been chased about the garden, and had dropped his shoes and coat. "接着,他讲述了他是怎样在菜园里被追得到处乱跑,以至连鞋子和外套都跑丢了的经过。

5.Hayden considers Ewan Mcgregor to be one of his best friends.伊文是他其中一个最好的朋友

6.Bennis says, "Just as every economist, knowingly or not, pays his dues to Keynes, we are all, one way or another, disciples of McGregor. "贝尼斯说:“就像每一位经济学家,不管是不是故意,他们总是对凯恩斯表现出敬意。我们这此人,归根到底,都是麦格雷戈的弟子。”

7.Mr. McGregor hung up the pttle jacket and the shoes for a scarecrow to frighten the blackbirds .麦克格莱高先生把比得的小夹克衫和两只鞋挂在地里,当作稻草人,用来吓唬那些黑鸟。

8.Peter disobeys his mother by going into Mr. McGregor's garden and almost gets caught.比得兔不听妈妈的话,溜进了麦克格莱高先生的菜园子,差一点被抓住。

9.The rangers on bench, just as ewan McGregor spent carefree get no matter, coffee, "if the battlefield and. "那个游骑兵队里的替补队员,正是伊万·麦格雷戈扮演,整日闲得无事冲咖啡,‘因故而上战场’。

10."Line your old cloak? " shouted Mr. McGregor "I shall sell them and buy myself baccy ! "“用来做你的旧斗篷的衬里?”麦格雷戈先生喊道“我要把牠们卖了,然后给我自己买烟草!”