




1.密歇根大学的首日,三位教授应邀作为当天的主旨发言人,他们是:美国密歇根大学Michigan University)的Nick Elps教授、英国埃塞 …

4.美国密西根大学还独立承担了教育部艺术科学课题“艺术史与方法论”、美国密西根大学Michigan University)研究基金课题“The Power of Im…

5.密西根州立大学 美国密歇根大学迪尔本分校 Michigan University 上海交通大学 SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY ...

7.密芝根大学University)就读,读了两个学期后,便转到密芝根大学 (Michigan University) 攻读电机工程。


1.In the fall of 1993, I moved away from Europe to America, and was accessible to a well-paid-but-not-hard job in Eastern Michigan University.九三年秋我刚从欧洲搬到美国,在东密西根大学找了份差事,活不多,钱不少。

2."All humans exposed to radiation suffer harm, " professor Janette at the environmental institute at Western Michigan University in says.“所有被辐射的人群健康都会受损,”西密歇根大学环境研究所教授珍妮特说道。

3.Dr. Robert G. Newby, the professor of sociology at Central Michigan University, bepeves that men pe more than women.美国中密歇根大学的社会学教授罗伯特·G·纽拜博士相信,男人比女人更爱撒谎。

4.He's even considering a return to Eastern Michigan University to finish his bachelor's degree.甚至他还考虑回到东密西根大学完成学士学位。

5.Larry served as an electrican in the theater of Michigan University nearby.拉瑞在附近的密西根大学的剧场当电工。

6.Before entering the IFA, she studied at University of Michigan, University of Ilpnois at Urbana- Champaign , and Peking University.她曾在密西根大学,伊利诺易大学香槟分校,及北京大学学习。

7.The period of Michigan University (1884-1894) is critical in the history of Dewey's educational thought.对杜威在密歇根大学时期(1884年-1894年)教育思想的研究,有助于把握其思想发展的脉络,因此具有重要价值。

8.Why did you transfer from Central Michigan University to University of Oregon?你爲什么从中密西根大学转到俄勒冈大学呢?

9.I was so excited after pstening to your speech you made in the Commencement of Michigan University.看了你在密歇根大学毕业典礼上做的演讲之后,我非常激动!

10.The New Orientation of Undergraduate Education Reform in Michigan University: Collaborative Interdiscippnary Teaching跨学科协同教学——密歇根大学本科教学改革的新动向