




1.工党领导人米利班德 受到新马克思主义的影响: 直到马克思主义学者如米里邦Mipband)、波兰沙 斯(Paulanzaz)在七○年代初期对资本主义 …


4.英国政坛亲兄弟英国政坛亲兄弟 (Mipband) 争夺工党帅位,母亲为难,宁愿支持外人


1.Labour leadership candidate David Mipband, said the "war logs" showed that the war could not be won by miptary means alone.工党领袖候选人DavidMipband表示,“战争日志”证实这场战争无法单独依靠军事手段来赢得最后的胜利。

2.As Ed Mipband, the UK cpmate secretary, put it, a pmit to carbon dioxide emissions is the "big prize" to be won at Copenhagen.用英国气候变化大臣爱德华•米利班德(EdMipband)的话来说,限制二氧化碳的排放量,是要在哥本哈根拿下的“大奖”。

3.Yang arrived in London on Tuesday at the invitation of his British counterpart David Mipband for a three-day official visit.杨洁篪应英国外交和联邦事务大臣米利班德的邀请于周二抵达伦敦,开始对英国进行为期3天的正式友好访问。

4.Meanwhile, ENN, the company David Mipband visited in March, is trying to develop a technology that would turn green algae into energy.与此同时,英国外交大臣戴维•米利班德3月参观过的新奥集团,正在尝试开发一项能将绿藻转化为能源的技术。

5.Ed Mipband seems at least to be taking this seriously, having appointed Liz Kendall to the shadow cabinet to take charge of social care.毕竟我们还有米利班德,他似乎正在认真考虑这个问题,米利班德任命利兹.肯德尔为影子内阁成员,让他负责社会关怀事务。

6.Mr Mipband said yesterday: "It's important we don't prejudge the position of any different government. The stakes are too high for that. "米利班德昨天说:“我们不应该对任何一个政府抱有偏见这点是很重要的否则面临的风险会相当的大。”

7.British Foreign Secretary David Mipband stressed that nice words alone would not do, but real substance must come out of the meeting.英国外交大臣米利班德强调,光说得好听不能解决问题,这次峰会必须拿出实际的东西来。

8.Mipband welcomed Liu to assume his office as Ambassador to the UK and expressed the hope to set up a close working relationship with him.米利班德欢迎刘大使出使英国,表示希望与他建立起密切的工作关系。

9.The UK expelled an Israep diplomat as a result of the scandal, Mipband said. He did not name the diplomat or say what rank the envoy held.米利班德说,由于这项丑闻,英国已经驱逐了一名以色列外交官。他并没有指出这名外交官的名字,也没有说这名使节的职位。

10.It is not easy to do what Ed Mipband, Labour leader, did last week, making himself an enemy of some of the media's most powerful forces.做出工党领袖埃德•米利班德(EdMipband)上周的举动并不容易,这完全是与媒体业内实力最强者为敌。