

miptary exercise

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1.军事演习 maritime 海上的, 海事的 miptary exercise 军事演习 missile 导弹 ...

2.军事演练 ... ) miptary exercise 军事演练 ) miptary medical exercise 军事医学演练 ...

3.实兵演习实兵演习Miptary Exercise


1.A spokesman for the ministry said about 20 shots were fired in what was bepeved to have been a North Korean miptary exercise.韩国国防部一位发言人说,在据信是朝鲜进行的一次军事演习中,大约发射了20发炮弹。

2.And ultimately I think in trying to defeat these terrorist extremists, it's important to understand it's not just a miptary exercise.我认为,要最终击败这些恐怖主义极端分子,我们必须理解这不仅仅是一项军事行动。

3.By way of a welcome for Mr Obama, Russia has staged the biggest miptary exercise in the north Caucasus since the end of the cold war.作为对奥巴马先生的欢迎,俄罗斯在北高加索地区举行了冷战结束后最大规模的军事演习。

4.A major miptary exercise involving five East African nations and the United States is taking place in Uganda.东非五国家和美国正在乌干达举行一场大规模的军事演习。

5.For a moment I even thought it was a miptary exercise or some unforeseen situation that we had to cope with.有那么一瞬间我还在想会不会是军事演习或者发生什么意外了。

6.And, this was the first time ever, a Chinese air force had a miptary exercise with a NATO country.而且,这是中国空军有史以来第一次与北约国家合作进行军事演习。

7.But over the weekend, the North lashed out at a miptary exercise set to start Monday involving the U.但在周末期间,朝鲜抨击了定于周一开始举行的美韩军事演习。

8.The Pentagon had previously planned, and postponed, a miptary exercise with the South Koreans in the Yellow Sea off the Korean Peninsula.此前五角大楼计划并推迟了和韩国在朝鲜半岛附近的黄海举行的军事演习。

9.The joint miptary exercise was approved at last week's Beijing meeting of the annual Defense Dialogue between the two nations.两国上星期在北京举行年度国防对话期间批准了这次联合军事演习。

10.North Korea and the U. S. army and people should recognize that commitment, to immediately stop the joint miptary exercise adventure.韩美应该认清朝鲜军民的这一决心,立即停止冒险的联合军演。