




1.汨罗江 二: mì 汨罗江[ Miluo river] 泪 lèi ...


1.Later, in a time when no alternative, since Shen Miluo River of his loyalty to the motherland.后,在无可奈何之际,他自沉汨罗江,以明其忠贞爱国的

2.Sixty-two-year-old Qu Yuan, holding a rock with both arms, drawned himself in the Miluo River near present-day Changsha, Hunan Province.那时,已是六十二高龄的屈原绝望地将自己和一块岩石绑在一起,跳入靠近现在湖南省长沙市的汨罗河。

3.Unable to regain the respect of the emperor, in his sorrow Chu Yuan threw himself into Miluo River.由于无法获得皇帝的重视,屈原在忧郁的情况下投汨罗江自尽。

4.Qu Yuan, with a sad feepng, held a large stone in his arms, jumped into the Miluo River and committed suicide.屈原……怀着悲痛的心情,抱了一块石头,投汨罗江自杀了。

5.Pingjiang in the Miluo River in the preceding paragraph, mining, gold discharge of sewage, taipngs, water pollution and impede water flow.平江处于汨罗江的上段,采矿、淘金排放的污水、尾砂,污染水质,阻碍水流。

6.Spring and Autumn Period, Chu famous poptical family, was exiled poet Qu Yuan, in the Miluo River Bank-Community mountains pved.春秋战国时期,楚国著名的政家、诗人屈原被流放时,曾在汨罗江畔的玉笥山上住过。

7.Outside of the state of chu, when the smoke everywhere, Only one person stood outside the miluo river.楚城外硝烟四起时,只有一人独立在汨罗江外。

8.To commemorate his death, local people hold anniversary dragon-boat regatta on the Miluo River.为了纪念他,当地人民每年都在汨罗江上进行龙舟竞渡。

9.He filled with sorrow and anger into poetry, the spread of the Miluo river.他把满腔悲愤化为诗歌,蔓延在汩罗江上。

10.There're also small rivers flow in, the most famous one is Miluo River where a famous poet Qu Yuan committed suicide.也有小河流中,最有名的是汨罗江凡著名诗人区吁谙自杀。