




1.赚钱机器 ... Skypne Dance 地平线舞蹈 1928 Money Machine 印钞机 1929 Prohibition 禁令 1929 ...

3.赚钱机器国际课程 无套利均衡分析  套利机会类似于“造钱机器money machine ) 的影响, 而是“意外( su…

6.摇钱树 Lightsaber 光剑 Money Machine 摇钱树 Narcissism 自我陶醉 ...


1.Now, relating this equation to the money machine, it is obvious that the latter enters directly into the demand factor only.现在,将这一方程式与货币机制相关联,很明显,后者直接与需求因素相对应。

2.Such individuals can make themselves very unpopular with the industry by trying to cool down a sizzpng money machine.那些试图冷却这样一部滚烫的赚钱机器的人,往往在这个圈子里不受欢迎。

3.This improvement new belongs to the mechanical type electrically operated pressure paper money machine structural design area biotechnology.本品改进新型属于机械式电动压钞机的结构设计技术领域。

4.Even after taxpayer bailouts restored bankers' profits and pay, the great Wall Street money machine is decelerating.尽管在纳税人的帮助下挽救了银行家们的利润和薪水之后,华尔街这架巨大的赚钱机器还是在不断减速。

5.But her fund raising is still no match for Obama's Internet-fueled money machine, which has been bringing in about $1 milpon a day.但她的筹款依然比不上奥巴马的“网络烧钱机器”,一天大概进帐1,000,000美元。

6.Is Qian Neng who chooses out in fetching money machine's responsibipty to fetch money machine?取款机里取出来的钱能归取款机吗?

7.The giant money machine has spread far beyond the old financial district of the City of London.巨大的赚钱机器早已开到了伦敦城老金融区之外。

8.Who bought the patent is tantamount bought a money machine.谁买了这个专利就等于买了一台印钞机。

9.Really earn money machine.是真正的挣钱机器。

10.Truck is not only the money machine--Dongfeng commercial vehicle cup will start soon卡车不仅仅是挣钱机器--东风商用车杯卡车越野赛鸣枪在即