




1.叫醒服务 within call 附近 morning call service (旅馆中的)叫醒服务 call sb. names 辱骂某人 ...

2.晨醒服务 ... 98. Rest Room 化妆间、洗手间 99. Morning Call Service 晨醒服务 100. Prohibited Articles 禁止携 …


1.We provide guests with the laundry service, baby-sitting service, 24-hour room service and morning call service.我们提供洗衣服务、保姆服务、叫早服务、24小时客房送餐服务。

2.Hello, I'd pke to have the morning call service.喂,我想要叫早服务。

3.I wonder if your hotel had the morning call service.不知道你们饭店是否有叫醒服务。

4.Would you need morning call service please?你需要订早晨呼叫吗?

5.I wonder if your hotel has the morning call service .可不可以请你在早上打电话叫我起床?。

6.Is there the morning call service in your hotel?请问你们旅店有叫醒服务吗?

7.Good morning! This is the Morning Call Service.早上好!这里是早晨唤醒服务。

8.We have a morning call service.我们有叫早服务。

9.Do you have the morning call service?你们有叫醒服务吗?

10.This is my first visit to China. I wonder if your hotel has the morning call service.这是我初次来中国,我想知道你们旅店有没有叫醒服务。