




1.莫斯科动物园 ... 火车站 Belorusskiy Train Station 阿尔巴特街 Moscow Zoo 公园 Bitsa Park ...


1.There's not really a ton to say about this. A gorilla at the Moscow zoo ate a lot of carrots. All at once.莫斯科动物园的一只大猩猩吃了很多胡萝卜,这不是重点,重点是它是同时吃的…

2.A polar bear cub plays near his mother at the Moscow Zoo.在莫斯科动物园里,一只小北极熊在他妈妈身边嬉耍。

3.If current conditions are anything to go by, the Moscow zoo's weather-sniffing bear has hit the bull's eye again.目前的天气状况也足以说明莫斯科动物园的这只天气预报熊今年又准了一把。

4.The unnamed cub, one of a set of triplets born late last year, was photographed by Olga Gladysheva at Moscow Zoo last month.这只还没有名字的幼崽,是去年底诞下的三胞胎中的一只。这些照片是上个月摄影师OlgaGladysheva在莫斯科动物园拍下的。

5.The hilarious moment at Moscow Zoo was captured by amateur photographer Olga Gladysheva, 37.这一幕发生在莫斯科动物园里的有趣场景是由37岁的业余摄影师奥尔加-格拉迪斯史娃抓拍的。

6.Hungry: This gorilla at Moscow Zoo was determined to grab as many carrots as he possibly could come feeding time饥饿:莫斯科动物园的大猩猩在喂食的时候,尽可能多的抓着胡萝卜。