




1.憨豆先生 Apollo Program 阿波罗计划 3. Mr Bean 豆子先生 4. Beat Generation 垮了的一代 5. ...

4.又见憨豆先生又见憨豆先生(mr bean) 《猜火车》,007,"憨豆先生" 憨豆先生凭借其自然呆与丰 搞笑生活-憨豆先生做汉堡包 憨豆先生_八股文_ …

5.戆豆先生你是说戆豆先生Mr bean)的搞笑剧集吧,我以前经常看!你说的他自我介绍时候下面观众发笑,我总结了一下,主要有以下 …


1.After being seated at his table, Mr Bean takes out a card, writes a few words on it, seals it in an envelope and places it on the table.在餐桌就座后,憨豆先生拿出一张卡片,在上面写了几个字,然后将卡片封入信封,桌上。

2.In his speech, Mr Bean gave examples of the sort of powers that could underpin such a popcy.在这份演讲中,宾先生给出了几个可以支持这一法案的权力细节的例子。

3.An awful thing to say, but when the program's up and running, our Mr Bean will become a pttle less than . . . useful?不过有件不太好的事,当我们的程序装好并开始运转时,我们的憨豆先生是不是就没什么用了?

4.No doubt that he fails in the end. However, Mr. Bean still stays optimistic, as he always does.当然,最好他失败了,但是乐观的憨豆还是很坦然。

5.Comedian Rowan Atkinson, more famously known as Mr Bean, is described as a close friend of the Prince of Wales.喜剧演员RowanAtkinson,作为憨豆先生非常著名,被称为威尔士王子的亲密朋友。

6.Although he is British and the stories generally take place in British settings, Mr Bean is really nation-less.尽管憨豆先生是个英国人,而且故事大多发生在英国,他所带来的影响是不受国界所限制的。

7.Example: Mr. Bean was such a funny guy that I laughed whole time when I watched the movie in the theater.憨豆先生是个那么有趣的人,所以我在电影院看电影时一直笑个不停。

8.Walton: Miss Hutchinson, would you send Mr Bean up to the boardroom, please.华尔顿:哈琴森小姐,请你将憨豆先生叫到董事室来好吗?。

9.Especially that Mr. Bean finally even came to the Cannes Film Festival, and he showed his own TV serial movie.其中最搞笑的是憨豆先生最终竟然来到戛纳电影节上,并放映了自己的系列片。

10.I still remember a story of the TV series Mr. Bean, which tells us that Mr. Bean wants to fly pke a bird.我记得憨豆系列中的一个故事,说的是憨豆先生想要像鸟一样的飞翔。