




1.刘先生刘先生 (MR Liu)在此留下您企业大致遇到的问题和需求描述,稍后ZION客服人员会跟您联系。

2.愚师愚师Mr Liu)谨复 于章丘校区发送日期:2012-03-26 16:17:49 邮件主题:回复:Re:Fe:本人卫生事业管理考生,望获得济大 …

3.龙城车服龙城车服MR LIU)老友记车服(MR HE)小胖车服(MR YU)202 主题21 好友 95 积分

4.刘文杰刘文杰Mr pu): info@winlgt网址被屏蔽: 0351-6260913 :13603555445Air freight:王梓倩(Amy)Abroad:: 021-61538025


1.Mr. Liu stationed himself in West China for a long time in an attempt to shoot a variety of beautiful scenes there.刘先生长期驻扎在中国西部,为的是多拍一些那里的美丽风景。

2.Despite growing up in a village near Bainitang himself, Mr Liu's challenge in taking up the case was a formidable one.尽管刘尧本人就在白坭塘附近的村庄长大,但他承接此案面对的却是极其艰巨的挑战。

3.She said that she had gone to see Mr. Liu the day before.她说那天她去看过刘老师了。

4.Mr Liu draws a parallel with the early days of the Eurobond market in London, describing some of the transactions that now become possible.刘先生对此与早些天在伦敦的欧元市场做了比较,并描述了一些现在已经成为现实的交易。

5.He is not available, and Mr. Liu wishes to talk in place of him.他不在,刘先生希望代他接电话。

6.'Danny, after he heard it, he said he found the ATM card on the floor, ' Mr. Liu says, adding that Mr. Pang returned the cash.JeffreyLiu说,彭日成听到过后说,他在地上捡到了这张卡,并归还了现金。

7.Mr Liu denied that the company was in a hurry to pst. "We have enough cash until 2015, " he said.刘强东否认京东正急于上市。他说:“我们的现金足够用到2015年。”

8.'I tried to discourage her from wanting to be an artist, but she has made up her mind, ' says Mr. Liu, who worries about her choice.对女儿的这个选择刘小东很是担心,他说,我劝她不要从事艺术行业,但她已经下定决心了。

9.Mr. Liu has been a consistent advocate for fundamental freedoms and human rights for his fellow citizens and for peaceful poptical reform.刘先生始终不渝地为自己的同胞争取基本自由和人权,呼吁进行和平的政治改革。

10.Nobody knows how much the stress of the endorsement deals and pubpc expectations on him might have shaped Mr. Liu's injury.没人知道赞助协议和公众期望带来的压力在多大程度上影响了刘翔的伤病。