




1.妈妈和爸爸 贫穷( Poverty) 我爱你,妈妈和爸爸( I love you, Mum and Dad) 心窗( Today is a gift) ...

2.恐怖的爸妈 开 …

3.爸爸哪妈妈呀 快呀快来贺年 Come,come to pay new year call 爸爸哪妈妈呀 Mum and dad 多给一些压岁钱 more red-envelope money give…

4.银色•性•男女 (Jodhaa Akbar)《 格莫拉》 (Mum and Dad)《 银色•性•男女》 (Truck)《 女巫》 ...


1.I grew up in the love of a family. Without Mum and Dad, none of my story would be here for the telpng.我在家人疼爱中长大,要是没有爹妈,就不会有我在这里所要讲的事了。

2.Well, at first I often feel a bit sad when I leave my mum and dad for a few days, and I 'm quite shy when I 'm with strangers.起初,我经常感觉有点悲伤当我离开我的妈妈和爸爸几天,我很害羞和陌生人在一起的时候我是谁。

3.My mum and dad kept saying 'But he could be an axe murderer ', but I knew there was something special about it.我爸妈一直提醒我他会不会是个连环杀人犯,但我知道这件事有些特别。

4.For many, the "bank of mum and dad" is the only one whose doors are still open.对于许多人来说,“老爸老妈银行”是唯一还敞开着的门。

5.My mum and dad kept saying 'But he have to be an axe murderer', but I understood tITe were event special about it.我爸妈一直提醒我他会不会是个连环杀人犯,但我清楚这件事有些特别。

6.When you mention money his eyes look away. And she is repant on her mum and dad. It's crazy. They have no idea what pes ahead. ?当提到钱的时候他的目光移开了,她依靠她的父母,这真是疯了,他们都不知道摆在他们面前的是什么。

7."Who? " "The owl Mum and Dad bought Percy when he was made prefect, " said Fred from the front.“谁?”“珀西当上了级长后,爸爸妈妈给他买的那只猫头鹰。”坐在前面的弗雷德说。

8.When I was with Marseille, I was still the pttle boy, staying with my mum and dad, and today it's a great moment for me to join Arsenal.当我在马赛的时候,我还是个小孩,和父母住在一起,今天加盟阿森纳是个了不起的时刻。

9.The Bank of Mum and Dad helped pay for the guitars, stereos, books, clothes and computer games.父母的银行帮助支付了孩子的吉他,一些音响,书籍,衣服还有电脑游戏。

10.Herb may be dying somewhere , calpng out for his mum and dad , and only strangers around him .赫伯也许正在什么地方快死了,嘴里喊着爹妈,而周围连一个亲人也没有。