




1.我的闹钟 我们的教室( My Classroom) 我的闹钟( My Clock) 我同学的周末( My classmates weekend) ...

2.我的时钟 -Ando:Good for you! 真厉害! -Hiro:My clock 我的时钟, -Ando:Too bad you're not paid by the hour 可惜啊 你又不是钟点工 ...

3.我的钟表 ... 1.她的名字 her name 2.我的钟表 my clock 3他的姓氏 his last name ...


1.I'd never thought about my clock, my beautiful old clock, would make me to be the laughing stock of the town.我从来都没有想过,我的钟,那个漂亮的老爷钟,竟然会让我成为全镇人的笑柄。

2.So I had to go back to the beginnings of rapid-fire technology and start my clock from there.所以我不得不从速射武器的技术开始学习,第一件就是我的闹钟。

3.My clock that is at my bed stand was still one hour behind. It hadnt moved ahead.这是我放在床头的钟,它仍然是慢了一小时,没有调快了。

4.There must be something wrong with my clock.我的钟一定是坏了。

5.Privately, in my clock tower, I took time off my trans-subcontinental rambles to consider the wooing of my freckled Eve.私底下,在我的大本钟,我在休息时间我跨次大陆漫游考虑吸引我的雀斑除夕。

6.My clock was ticking, my nerves were frayed and my toes and fingers numb from the cold.时间在一分一秒的流逝,我的神经已经疲惫,手指和脚趾都冻麻了。

7.I remember catching a gpmpse of my clock on my bed stand. . . it read in large, red numbers 12: 00. I stood, frozen in my stance.我瞥了一眼床边的闹钟,上边大大的红色的数字显示着12:00,我愣在原地。

8.Here are the steps I followed with my clock.下面介绍我拆解时钟的步骤。

9.He cleaned my clock at first, but I got better with practice.他一开始就占了上风,但不断的练习让我状态好多了。

10.Then I turned back to my clock.然后我又回到我的时钟。