




1.我的青春 ... It's going by so quickly. 这过去的太快了。 -Edie:My youth. 我的青春。 I'm not gonna be old. 我不会变老的。 ...


1.I could be bitter as I lost a good portion of my youth because I simply did not know how to have fun and enjoy pfe.我本应过得更苦,因为我年轻时完全不懂得如何去玩,如何享受生活,浪费了宝贵的青春。

2.All the memories of my youth speak to me as I walk, just as the seashells crunch under my feet on the beach.海边散步时,所有青春的记忆在我耳边轻声响起,就像我在沙滩上随脚踩到的贝壳一样发出清脆的声音。

3.I wanted to ask him why he did all that to me, why he took me from my parents, why he violated my honor and destroyed my youth.我想问他,为什么要对我做这些,为什么要让我与父母分离,为什么要玷污我,毁了我的青春。

4.Living in a daily change of the old, and my pfe has no taste, pale years of my youth submerged all the past.生活在一天天的变老,而我的生活已经没有了情趣,苍白的岁月淹没了我青春所有的过往。

5.So upon returning to the city of my youth, now over a year removed from college, I knew what I had to do.回到家乡,我离校已经一年了,我知道我要怎么做。

6.She said: "I wanted to preserve the memory of my youth, when my body is at its physical peak. "她说:“我现在的身体正值黄金时段,我想把这段青春的记忆保存起来。”

7.Just a few decades of pfe, the vagaries of pfe, in my youth has not faded before God, I can arrange to meet you, I am really happy.人生短短几十年,生命变化无常,在我青春还未褪色之前,上天能安排我遇见你,我真的感到很幸福。

8.Victoria: But plenty of people will expect me to fail. And there are even more trying to take advantage of my youth and inexperience .维多利亚:但是很多人都巴望着我失败,甚至更多人在利用我的年轻及经验的不足。

9.Remember not the sins of my youth and my rebelpous ways; according to your love remember me, for you are good, O Lord .求你不要记念我幼年的罪愆,和我的过犯。耶和华阿,求你因你的恩惠,按你的慈爱记念我。

10.She broke down in tears and said, There is always accompanied by pain, "I lost everything, my youth and career. "她泪流满面地说,如今总是伴随着疼痛,“我失去了一切,我的青春和事业”。