




1.败犬女王 老五的奥斯卡 Lao Wu's Oscar 败犬女王 My Queen 爱在日月潭 Love In The Sun Moon Lake ...

2.我的皇后 电台明星, Radiostars 再见,我的皇后, Farewell,My Queen 继子, The Other …

3.我的女王 My pretty better half 我美丽的另一半 My queen 我的女王 My fair lady 我漂亮的老婆 ...

4.我的王后 Q:Hunter,go kill S.w. 猎人,去杀了白雪公主 H:Yes,my queen 遵命,我的王后 A:what’s the matter with you? 发生了什么事 …

5.我的女皇 ... 落雪 » Like snow 我的女皇 » My Queen 动漫影视 » Animation film ...

6.字面是我的女王或王后 ... my king: 字面是我的国王。 my queen字面是我的女王或王后。 peachy pie: 字面是桃子派。 ...


1.Oberon: Don't worry about him, I'll take off this head. Come, my queen, take hands with me.不要担心他!我将拿掉他的头。来,把你的手给我,我的皇后。

2."My queen is cruel, " her captain said. "If I cannot slay your does, how shall I amuse myself whilst you are being wed? "“我的女王真残酷,”她的团长说。“要是我不能为您杀敌,您婚后我要怎么给自己找乐子呢?”

3.And the son said, My Lord, I do not know but I know that I love this girl and would have her for my queen.儿子说,父王,我也不明白,我只知道我爱这个姑娘,将来要让她当王后。

4.Be my queen and mate me with your knight moves.做我的王后,让我们一起棋逢对手。

5.Do not play with the members of this sacred chamber, my queen.别愚弄这神圣大厅里的人,我的皇后

6.I will play xylophone for you, and love you forever, never leave you, because you are mine, you are my queen.我会为你弹木琴,永远爱你,绝不离开你,因为你属于我,你是我的女王。

7.My queen, the courtyard is no fitting place for a married woman.我的皇后,庭院可不适合一个结了婚的女人。

8.My queen. . . the courtyard is a more fitting place for a married woman.我的皇后,庭院更适合一位已婚的女人

9.I knew that all along, but I did it anyway. "My queen? " said a soft voice in the darkness.我一直知晓这点,但我依旧那么做了。“我的女王?”黑暗中一个轻柔的声音说。

10.You were never just my queen, Clarisse.你从来就不只是是我的女王。