




1.氧化二氮化碳与氧化二氮N2O)已达到有史以来的最高水 平,而甲烷浓度持续稳定(WMO 2007)(表1)。

2.二氧化氮原理是把二氧化氮(N2O),即俗称的笑气高压形成液态后装入钢瓶中,然后在引擎内与空气一道充当助燃剂与燃料混合燃烧(其 …

3.二氧化氮气体能量就是二氧化氮气体N2 O)等二氧化氮槽满了后就按CTRL 就会出来箭头了admin0524 |八级采纳率34% 擅长:操作系统/ …




1.There was no significant correlation between root biomass and soil discharge rate of N2O.土壤排放N2O速率与根系生物量没有明显的相关关系。

2.Combination apppcation of mineral fertipzer and manure was the best practice to reduce N2O emission without significant yield reduction.在产量无显著下降的情况下,有机无机配施的减排效果最好。

3.There was a significantly positive correlation between N2O flux and soil ammonium nitrogen content(P01).N2O通量与土壤铵态氮含量呈极显著正相关(P0.01);

4.From a purely N2O accounting point of view, it is also necessary to search more certainty of the sink terms discussed.从一个纯粹N2O会计观点,搜寻被谈论的水槽期限的更多把握也是必要的。

5.This calls for a greater consideration of the process of N2O reduction in soil and its role in the global turnover of N2O.这就要求更大的审议过程中N2O的减少在土壤中的作用及其在全球的营业额中N2O。研究。

6.Agriculture produces 70% of the nitrous oxide emissions in Europe.欧洲70%的氧化亚氮(N2O)都来自于农业排放。

7.The results showed that planting winter wheat could increase soil N2O emission, regardless of fertipzation or mulching.结果表明:无论是否施氮肥,是否覆膜,种植冬小麦对黄土地区土壤N2O的排放均具有促进作用;

8.Results show that the influence of wetland plants on N2O emission of the wetland ecosystem varied with their growing stage.结果表明,植物不同生长阶段对湿地生态系统N2O排放通量的影响不尽相同。

9.But at oxygen concentrations decrease to hypoxic levels, these waters can increase their production of N2O.但当氧气浓度下降到缺氧的水平,这些水域就会增加一氧化二氮的生成。

10.And to set up hydrocarbon, analysis of N2O chemical compound for air separation plant safe running.为了保证空分设备的安全运行,需要设置碳氢化合物总量、各痕量分析,氮氧化合物分析。