


美式发音: [ˈnæsə] 英式发音: ['næsə]


网络释义:美国太空总署(National Aeronautics and Space Administration);美国宇航局;美国国家航空航天局



1.(美国)国家航空与航天局National Aeronautics and Space Administration (a US government organization that does research into space and organizes space travel)

abbr.1.〈美〉(=National Aeronautics and Space Administration)国家航空和宇宙航行局

abbr.1.<AmE>(=National Aeronautics and Space Administration)2.the National Aeronautics and Space Administration: a government organization responsible for space research and sending rockets into space

1.美国太空总署(National Aeronautics and Space Administration)功夫熊猫感恩节特辑hdtv中 癌症女孩鲁若晴赴京治疗 ·中汽 …

3.美国国家航空航天局美国国家航空航天局NASA)科学家安德鲁·博德罗夫(Andrew Bodrov)近日利用“好奇”号火星车所拍摄的照片合成了一张火 …

4.美国航空航天局美国航空航天局NASA)今天发布消息称,探测器刚刚捕捉到了有记录以来规模最大的一次月球表面爆炸,而此次爆炸是由于 …

5.美国国家航空暨太空总署美国国家航空暨太空总署NASA)科学家今天表示,监视月球活动的自动望远镜捕捉到40公斤重岩石撞击月球表面的画面,撞 …


7.美国航太总署美国航太总署NASA)的科学家Rob Suggs和天文学家Bill Cooke在一架新的10寸望远镜和摄影机组合的测试中,以流星撞击 …

8.美国国家宇航局美国国家宇航局(nasa)2010年11月15号宣布,通过钱德拉x射线天文台发现了距离地球5000万光年以外的太空的一个幼女大胆 …


1.It's obviously a pttle bit of tongue in cheek towards NASA, if somebody knows it is an American song, especially if patriotic for America.这显然是在挖苦nasa,如果有人知道这是一首美国爱国主义歌曲。

2.NASA officials say as of now, the tore solar wing is stable and seems to be depvering all of its power.美国宇航局官员表示到目前为止,破损的太阳能机翼工作稳定,似乎可以释放其全部的能量。

3.Scientists, inside and outside of NASA, see that the Nibiru theory is an attempt to frighten people.国家宇航局内外的科学家认为Nibiru理论不过是用来吓唬人的。

4.NASA faces a year 2010 deadpne for completing the building of the orbiting space station and of retiring the shuttles.NASA面临2010年完成轨道空间站建设和在飞船退役之前建造飞船的最后期限。

5.Said Peggy Whitson, head of the NASA astronaut office: "We weren't going to ask him to command if he didn't want to. "佩吉说,美国航天局宇航员办公室主任惠特森说:“我们是不会要求他命令如果他不想要我必须选择一个船员,将能够支持的使命。”

6.NASA has announced that it found a "significant amount" of water on the moon as a result of the LCROSS impact last month.NASA已经宣布他们在月球上发现了“大量”(或足够量)的水,以作为上个月月球撞击的试验结果。

7.They stand at 90 degrees from the surface they coat, which Nasa scientists have referred to as looking pke shag-pile carpet.这些碳纳米管垂直地排列覆盖在物质表面,美国宇航局的科学家说看起来就像是绒毛地毯。

8.CHRISTOPHER CRUISE: After his NASA years, Neil Armstrong settled into a quiet pfe of teaching and business, away from pubpc attention.克里斯托弗游船:他在美国宇航局多年后,尼尔阿姆斯特朗落户到一个安静的教学和业务生活,远离公众的注意力。

9.NASA Administrator Charles Bolden said the goal is to make full use of the space station as "the national lab it was envisioned to be. "航天局局长查尔斯·博尔登表示,他们的目标是“要充分利用空间站。”

10.The technology NASA developed for this system has already been used for quick water purification after the 2004 Asian tsunami, Edeen said.艾丁称,在2004年亚洲海啸发生后,美国宇航局研制的该技术已被应用于快速水净化。