




1.纳斯尔 MGC 媒体网关控制器 NASR 全国搜寻和救援协会 USES 美国就业局 ...

7.右移N位 双字左移N位 NSLL 右移N位 NASR 双字右移N位 NSRL ...


1.In her research on women headed households, Nasr has found that most of those women are widowed.在这篇论文中,Nasr研究结果显示贫穷的女性进入家庭,多半是因为丧偶。

2.The trip, planned by Holbrooke and Pakistan specialist Vali Nasr, offered an unusually subtle itinerary for a U. S. diplomatic mission.霍尔布鲁克和巴基斯坦问题专家瓦里·纳斯尔所策划的此次访问,对于一个美国外交使团来说简直是事事俱细。

3."The big problem is foreign bombing, not Qaddafi, " says Nasr Abu Bakr, a technician at a power plant in Tobruk.托布鲁克一家发电站的工程师纳斯尔•阿布•克尔(NasrAbuBakr)说:“最大的问题是外国的轰炸,而不是卡达菲。”

4.Amir Mubarak, who has made the move from Al Nasr, is hoping to help his new club with some trophies.阿米尔穆巴拉克,谁取得了胜利报的举动,是希望能帮助一些奖杯,他的新东家。

5.The battle against religious extremism, writes Mr Nasr, will be won by the rising Muslim middle class.纳斯尔写道,日益崛起的穆斯林中产阶级会赢得对抗宗教极端主义的战争。

6.Sam French oversaw production with Ariel Nasr, an Afghan-Canadian producer.山姆·法兰奇和阿富汗加拿大籍制片人阿里尔·纳斯尔一同监督电影制作。

7.'One is down, with two more to go, ' said Mohammed Nasr el-Harezi, an NTC member from Tripoli.全国过渡委员会来自的黎波里的委员埃尔-哈雷齐(MohammedNasrel-Harezi)说,我们已经拿下了一个据点,还剩两个。

8.Tomorrow morning, the first training session at Al Nasr training camp will be held at 9. 30am.米兰将在阿尔纳斯训练基地展开他们今年的第一场训练课。