


美式发音: [ˌɛn biː ˈeɪ] 英式发音: [ˌenbi:'eɪ]

abbr.(=National Basketball Association)(美国)职业篮球联赛

网络释义:美国职业篮球联赛(National Basketball Association);美国职篮;美国职业篮球协会



1.(美国)全国篮球协会National Basketball Association (the US organization responsible for professional basketball )

abbr.1.(=National Basketball Association)(美国)职业篮球联赛2.(=National Boxing Association)(美国)国家拳击协会

abbr.1.(=National Basketball Association)2.(=National Boxing Association)

1.美国职业篮球联赛(National Basketball Association)Most Valuable Player)是一个由美国职业篮球联赛NBA)每年对NBA全明星赛中表现最佳的全明星球员所颁发的奖项。

2.美国职篮美国职篮(NBA) - 美国职棒(MLB) - 伤兵名单 - 赛程表 百家欧赔,百家欧指,欧洲指数、百家欧赔,百家欧指,欧洲指数卷、MLB分析 …

3.美国职业篮球协会是由美国职业篮球协会(NBA)授权,中文媒体集团TOM集团运营的专业体育网站。2008年的NBA中国赛期间,NBA主席大卫·斯 …


5.美国全国篮球协会美国全国篮球协会nba)前明星丹尼斯·罗德曼打算今年8月1日再次访问朝鲜,寻求朝方释放韩国裔美国人裴俊浩。罗德曼12 …


1.According to Yahoo, the veteran had informed the Rockets, the league office in New York and NBA China of his decision to leave the game.据雅虎报道,姚明已经向火箭队、纽约NBA办公室以及NBA中国发出通知,告知自己退役的决定。

2.If only he were a bit better laterally on defense the UA product would be a prototypical NBA small forward.如果他能再加强一些他的防守能力的话,那么他能成为NBA联盟出色的典型小前锋。

3.But how much does the first two games of an NBA season mean?但对于NBA一个赛季前两场比赛代表什么意思?

4.In the early 1960s Wilt Chamberlain was one of only three players in the National Basketball Association (NBA) psted at over seven feet.20世纪60年代早期,WiltChamberlain是美国国家篮球协会(NBA)中仅有的三个身高超过7英尺的球员之一。

5.As a group, NBA players get a bad rap, but I haven' t met too many who wish they spent a year studying abroad.作为一个团体,NBA的球员被这些坏的给迷住了,但是我没见过几个愿意花一年时间在国外学习的人。

6.With all of his talented gifts and hard work, Bynum has perhaps the best offensive arsenal of any NBA center in today's game.凭借他的天赋和努力,拜纳姆或许是当今联盟中进攻武器最丰富的中锋。

7.Durant is a great scorer -- maybe the best in the league -- but LBJ is one of the greatest all-around talents the NBA has ever seen.杜兰特是非常棒的得分手--或许是全联盟中最棒的--但是LBJ是联盟中至今为止最最全面的球员之一。

8.NBA games were not televised in Europe, so Bryant depended on the boxes from his grandfather to be able to imitate U. S. professionals.即使那个时候NBA还不能在欧洲直播,但是科比已经可以通过录像带来模仿NBA中专业的篮球动作。

9.Let's start with this: In his Cavs debut, Antawn Jamison appeared as if he'd never played an NBA game before.让我们先从这开始:在他的骑士处子秀中,AntawnJaminson的表现让他看来像从来就没有在NBA打过球一样。

10.If you've been seen an NBA game then you'll have no doubt noticed that there's very pttle free space beyond the outer pnes of the court.如果你看过现实的NBA篮球比赛,那么你无疑会发现篮球场边界外的自由空间小之又小。