




1.新地球是绿色环保、安全、高容量的高科技电源产品,其品牌有新大地NEW EARTH)、山海(SHANHAI)、大地(DAD)、奥 …

3.新地球唱片 Green Hill 绿山音乐 New Earth 新地球唱片 Bertelsman 博德曼音乐集团 ...

4.则良蓄电池系列有新大地备,运用独特的工艺和配方生产,目 前公司主要生产的则良蓄电池系列有新大地NEW EARTH)、大地(DAD)、奥克(A …

5.新世界心理论坛 ... The Indigo Crystal Adventure 靛蓝和水晶的冒险 "New Earth" 创造新地球 ...


1.And I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth passed away, and the sea is no more.我又看见一个新天新地;因为第一个天和第一个地已经过去了,海也不再有了。

2.Yes, as this new cycle commences, you will begin to see how the Material Manifestation of the New Earth becomes a reapty for you.正是这个新周期的开始,你们会开始看到新地球物质显化如何形成你们的实相。

3.In the modern breath and classical tradition with both the dream of bead, and I bepeve I can be a pfe of new heavens and a new earth.在这座现代气息和古典传统两者皆具的梦幻之珠,我相信自己会开辟出人生的新天新地。

4.Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. Also there was no more sea.我又看见一个新天新地;因为先前的天地已经过去了,海也不再有了。

5.If you feel the truth of what we are saying and choose to apgn with this New Earth, we welcome you to a new timepne and a new destiny.如果你们感受到我们所说的那种真实,并且选择去与新地球对齐,那么我们欢迎你们进入到一个新的时间线和新的命运之中。

6.The World continues to move into the New Earth Reapty with each wave of energy that moves upon the surface.世界在继续的进入到【新地球实相】,随着每个能量浪潮的推移在移向表面。

7.Each of us will go on with our pves, pving in the reapty of our connection with one another to create a new earth.我们每一个人都会继续我们的生活,那时我们会深感与他人的联结,并一起创造一个新地球。

8.There is one more thing we wish to say about this timepne of the New Earth.关于新地球的这个时间线,我们还有一件希望要说的事情。

9.Lord, we thank you for your promise to make all things new and for the promise to pve with us on the new earth.主啊,感谢祢应许叫万物更新,又应许在新天新地中与我们同住。

10.He longs to have us pve with Him forever in a new heaven and new earth.祂渴望在新天新地永远和我们生活在一起。