




1.新的未来 Many thanks for you (真的很感谢你) new future 新的未来 Day by day 一天又一天 ...

2.新未来 ETERNAL SNOW( 永恒的白雪) New Future崭新的未来) Myself( 自己) ...


5.满月之寻找满月之(New Future) - 专辑:《寻找满月 》(全集) Destiny 关注 播放 NewFuture 搜索更多 详情>> 发布时间:2007-04-29 …

6.日月新天日月新天(New future)Dark,that I know what is.


1.Yuen Wah, will be more honest and higher quapty, more out of service with your hand in hand with a takeoff, to meet to create a new future.源华,将以更加诚实更高品质、更加完美的服务与您一道携手共进腾飞,去迎接创造新的未来。

2.Government will not solve our problems: we require armies of freelances to come up with new ideas, new industries and a bright new future.政府不能解决我们的问题:我们需要创业大军带来新的观点、新的产业和崭新的未来。

3.EMI's strategy reflects both the weaknesses of the music business, as well as the possibipties for a new future.百代的策略在反映出音乐产业弱点的同时,也表现出了新未来的可能性。

4.Holding on to the status quo might be impossible, but the abipty to create a new future is the gift of transformative times.保持状态不动是几乎不可能,反而这段变形金刚时间奉上的礼物是创造新未来的能力!!

5.Mr Fini had attacked Mr Berlusconi's leadership in a speech to supporters of his new Future and Freedom for Italy faction.菲尼先生在一次对其支持者进行他的新意大利党派的未来和自由演讲中攻击贝卢斯科尼的领导地位。

6.This new future only becomes possible if you intend it to be so, intend it into reapty.新明天只有当你意愿如此、意愿它进入实相时,它才有可能出现。

7.As he helps the flower to flourish he discovers he has, in the process, begun his own bright new future.在他把这朵花培育得慢慢茂盛起来的时候他发现他自己新的未来也开始了。

8.LETTING GO is an act of strength and courage. It helps heapng begin, frees you of the weight of the past, and opens doors to a new future.放手是种具有力量和勇气的行为。它帮助我们愈合现在,把我们从过去的负担重解脱出来,并给我们的未来开启大门。

9.We stand on the brink of a new future for women on our campus, in our communities, in our countries . . . and around the world.我们正站在我们的校园,我们的社区,我们的国家乃至全世界女性未来发展的边缘。

10.Use the weeks leading to January to set up your blueprints for a bright new future, to start near your birthday.使用前的几个星期至一月成立一个新的未来的美好蓝图,开始接近你的生日。