


美式发音: [ˌen ef 'si:] 英式发音: [ˌen ef 'si:]



网络释义:近场通讯(Near Field Communication);近场通信;近距离无线通讯



1.(美国)国家橄榄球联合会(国家橄榄球联盟的两个联合会之一)(in the US)the National Football Conference (one of the two groups of teams in the National Football League)


abbr.1.National Football Conference

1.近场通讯(Near Field Communication)近场通讯(NFC)技术:只要将耳机与手机轻触即可通过近场通讯(NFC)技术完成设备配对。借助真正的宽频音频和 Crystal Talk 丽 …


3.近距离无线通讯使用近距离无线通讯 (NFC) 与具备 NFC 功能的手机进行快速配对与连线重量 耳机:5 克,扣夹:18.3 克 操作键与控制项 连接 …

4.近距离无线通讯技术近距离无线通讯技术(NFC)是最近在各大高端智能手机中出现的新功能,它允许电子设备间在短距离(大概10厘米)内进行非接触 …

5.近距离通信利用近距离通信 (NFC),您可以轻松将耳机与兼容手机进行配对和连接。 如果兼容手机支持 NFC,请启动其 NFC 功能,将耳 …

6.近场通讯技术(Near Field Communications)还是近场通讯技术NFC)?现在还不得而知,但是相信在科技飞速发展的今天,手机技术将越来越完善,创新技术也将越来 …

7.近距离无线通信而近距离无线通信NFC)功能可以让手机与其他有相同功能的手机进行近距离无线通话。而使用Android Beam可以让语音操 …


1."We saw in NFC a perfect storm of disruption, which is always a good sign and a good place for a startup company to be, " he says.我们认为NFC是一场破坏性的完美风暴,它对刚刚起步的公司来讲是一个良好的信号和机遇。

2.The company's Maestro tools have also been upgraded to let their NFC chips speak to a device's Bluetooth and WiFi radios.同时公司的Maestro工具软件也得到升级,可以让其NFC芯片和其它设备的无线及WiFi频率适配。

3.There has been a revival in enthusiasm for mobile NFC with a number of operators announcing plans to launch services in 2011.现在对于行动NFC的关心再度的燃烧、电信业者数家发表在2011年开始服务的计画。

4.Even phones equipped with near-field communication, which reads RFID codes in door locks, have been used since 2006.早在2006年,就有人通过支持近场通信(NFC)的手机读取门锁上的RFID代码了。

5.The payments space is going through a major upheaval with new payments via mobile, NFC and onpne payments.随着手机、NFC和在线支付等新型支付手段的兴起,支付市场正在经历一场巨变。

6.Even with an 11-5 record, the New Orleans Saints finished as runner-up in the much stronger NFC South Division.虽然有着11胜5负的战绩,新奥尔良圣徒队在实力非常强大的大联盟南部球队中仅排名第二。

7.They will be watching to see if the AFC New England Patriots or the NFC Saint Louis Rams become the champions of American football.他们想知道来自美国橄榄球协会的新英格兰队和国家橄榄协会的圣路易斯队,谁将成为超级杯赛的冠军。

8.With NFC payment systems just starting to roll out in the US, it'll be awhile yet before you can cut up those credit cards for good.在美国,随着近距离无线通讯支付体系的方兴未艾,不久的将来你就可以扔掉信用卡去购物了。

9.It may be produced as an NFC juice straight from raw tomatoes, or by diluting paste and adding flavouring.该产品可直接用鲜番茄加工成天然浓缩汁,或将番茄酱稀释并加入香料而成。

10.But in the U. S. and Europe, manufacturers have held back from including NFC chips in handsets until easy ways to use them arrive.不过在美国和欧洲,手机生产商在NFC更易用之前不想在手机内预置NFC芯片。