


网络释义:新孟邦党(New Mon State Party);Network Mobipty Services Protocol;新孟邦党人民解放军


1.新孟邦党(New Mon State Party)

3.新孟邦党人民解放军谈代表团团长泰敏感昂上校(孟邦边境安全事务部长)与新孟邦党代表团NMSP)团长吴奈约沙(新孟邦党副主席)在仰光 …



1."They [NMSP leaders] say they don't want to hear him [Ye Myint] repeat these words again at another meeting, " said the source.“新孟邦党领导人说,他们不想听到耶敏在另一次会议重复这些话了”。

2.In March, the NMSP moved some of its administration and a stockpile of weapons to a new undisclosed base, a source close to the group said.同该组织关系密切的知情人士透露,3月份,新孟邦党将其一些行政机构以及武器储备搬迁至一处新的秘密基地。

3.The NMSP has also formed a "peace mission" and is expected to hold ceasefire talks with the Mon State government in mid-October.新孟邦党也组建了一个“和平委员会”,并打算在10月中旬同孟邦地方政府进行停火谈判。

4.As tension has mounted between the junta and the NMSP, party leaders said that the cease-fire agreement depends on the junta.由于军政府和新孟邦党的关系日趋紧张,党的领导人说,停火协议依赖军政府决定。

5.The NMSP is currently holding a one-month meeting at its headquarter with its army leaders and others.新孟邦党目前正在其总部同其军队领导人和其他一些人召开一个为期一个月的会议

6.Two Burmese battapons were ordered into areas nearby NMSP-controlled territory due to the increasing tension, said sources.两个缅甸政府军军营因日益紧张的局势被派进了新孟邦党控制区附近的地区。

7.Burmese regime also asks to set up a check point in the NMSP-controlled area near Halockinee refugee camp on the Thai-Burma border.缅甸政府还要求设立新孟邦党一检查站,控制了附近Halockinee泰缅边境的难民营地区。

8.Observers have said that some NMSP leaders have been concentrating on their business activities.观察家们说,一些新孟邦党领导人已集中精力埋头商业活动。

9.The last meeting was on April 7, when Ye Myint admonished the NMSP three times during the 45 minute session for faipng to join the BGF.上次最后一次会议于4月7日,耶敏在45分钟会议中三次警告新孟邦党接受边防自卫队改编计划。

10.Some NMSP leaders bepeve the ceasefire agreement will be revoked if the junta uses force against them.一些新孟邦党领导人认为,停火协议将予撤销,如果军政府对他们使用武力。