


网络释义:关键技术(Nano Molding Technology);移动电话系统;移动电话服务网络


1.关键技术(Nano Molding Technology)塑料一体成形技术,此技术是把用于铝与工程塑料接合的nano molding technologyNMT)扩大到应用于铜、镁合金等,就 …

2.移动电话系统 模拟蜂窝系统:1979年,第一个具有大的覆盖 范围和自动交换功能的系统由爱立信公司推出, 并建立北欧移动电话系统NM

3.移动电话服务网络移动电话:北欧移动电话服务网络NMT)于1981年开通,频率为450兆赫兹.这是当时世界上第一个,同时也是横跨数国覆 …

4.纳米金属技术纳米金属技术NMT)技术是金属元素和树脂的一体化技术,具有牢固和轻薄的双重优点,这种技术之前主要用于航空业,联 …


1.The performance of the existing Category 5 cables has a number of shortcomings and flaws, NMT technology may be the key to the problems.针对现有5类线传输距离和传输速率等性能的一些不足和缺陷,NMT技术可能突破这个难题。

2.Their study showed this NMT-inhibitor compound leads to rapid kilpng of trypanosomes in laboratory tests and cures trypanosomiasis in mice.十四酰转移酶抑制剂化合物在实验室中能快速杀死锥体虫,并治好了老鼠身上的锥体虫病。

3.With the same parameters and conditions, the thesis compares NMT with the traditional modulation -DMT to prove the superiority of NMT.并在同等条件下与传统的DMT调制技术仿真性能做比较,证明NMT的优越性。

4.The purpose of this thesis is to compare the transmission performances of TS-NMT and CDMA2000 in wireless channel.本论文旨在比较TS-NMT技术和CDMA2000技术在无线信道上的传输性能。

5.Based on these experiences, Weinan puts forward the technical flow of urban NMT system planning.以渭南市为例,并在此基础上提出慢行交通系统规划的技术路线。

6.When NMT's release, you mentioned several songs were considered as the 1st single. . . Care to share which were?NMT发行时,你提到有好几首都被考虑过作为首单出现……能不能告诉我们是哪几首?

7.This paper talks about some test-taking strategies for Engpsh writing in NMT from several aspects.本文从几个方面谈论了高考英语书面表达的备考策略。

8.These works provide theoretical and practical basis for the future of the practical engineering of NMT.这些工作,为以后NMT的工程实用化,提供理论和实践依据。

9.This thesis has introduced CDMA2000 mobile communication system and the principle of TS-NMT modulation and demodulation.本文首先介绍了CDMA2000移动通信系统和TS-NMT技术调制解调原理;

10.The weakness is an enzyme called N-myristoyl transferase, or NMT.这个弱点是一种名为N十四酰转移酶的酵素,也被称之为NMT。