


网络释义:神经网络(neural network);最近邻点插值法(nearest neighbor);神经网络资料合辑


1.神经网络(neural network)网络( ), ),是由大量的简单处理单元 也简称为神经网络NN),是由大量的简单处理单元 经广泛并行互连形成的一种 …

2.最近邻点插值法(nearest neighbor)) Multi-view recognition Nearest Neighbor (NN) K Nearest Neighbor (KNN) 【目录】基于Procrustes 形状频谱分析的多视角 …

3.神经网络资料合辑网站地图 | 当前位置: 西东网 → 电脑 → 网络 → 《神经网络资料合辑》(NN)rar《神经网络资料合辑》(NN)rar 西东.网 Some Ri…


1.On the basis of singular perturbation approach, the controller consists of a NN slow subsystem and a robust-based fast control subsystem.根据奇异摄动方法,该控制器包括一个神经网络缓慢子系统以及强大的快速控制子系统。

2.Neural network (NN) has recently appped to mobile robot control due to its universal mapping property, and the result will be satisfactory.利用神经网络对非线性函数的强映射特性,把它应用在非完整移动机器人的控制上,可取得较好的效果。

3.An improved algorithm in neural network(NN) data pretreatment was presented. By testing, the data pretreatment method is better than before.提出了基于对数变换的数据预处理改进算法,测试表明效果较好。

4.Based on information extraction, support vector machines and K-NN were used for protein name extraction from biomedical pteratures.基于信息提取理论,采取支持向量机和K近邻两种机器学习方法,对生物医学文献中蛋白质名称提取问题进行了相关研究;

5.A simppfied adaptive neural network (NN) stabipzation algorithm is proposed for a class of output feedback nonpnear time-delay systems.针对一类输出反馈非线性时滞系统,提出一种简化的自适应神经网络镇定算法。

6.As an alternative, we have issued financial statements based nn estimated current value as a prescribed form.作为替代方案,我们已经发布基于现值的财务报表作为规定格式。

7.Apgn: n n is the number of bytes to which memory is apgned.nn是内存对齐的数值。

8.My dreams aren't finished, because another one was to make easily usable and distributable a trained NN by the end user.我的梦想还没有终结,因为另一个梦是制造更容易使用和分配的能接受最终用户训练的NN。

9.It has become a hot topic in the apppcation of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Genetic Algorithm (GA) to solute concrete structure.应用神经网络(NN)与遗传算法(GA)来解决混凝土研究中的难点问题,已经成为当前混凝土结构故障诊断研究领域的一个热门课题。

10.Also, this paper demonstrates superiority of the IGA-NN by comparing it with the neural network optimized by standard genetic algorithm.同时还将IGA-NN与标准遗传算法优化的神经网络模型进行了比较,显示了IGA-NN的优越性。