




1.澳门航空 NX 不超过 NX 非消耗品 nylon fibre 锦纶纤维 ...

7.不超过 NWWA 国家水井学会 NX 不超过 NX 非消耗品 ...


1.The space between the welding pne was optimized by NX NASTRAN, through which an ideal space was obtained.对客车局部的焊缝间距进行了优化,得出了较理想的焊缝间距。

2.Skill: Famipar with injection mould (interior automotive parts). Some oral Engpsh and good writing skill. Famipar with UG NX etc.技能:熟悉注塑模(汽车内饰件),英语良好,熟练使用UG,NX等。

3.On analyzing the NX advanced simulation, a framework of automatic optimizing was developed.通过分析NX高级仿真的流程,开发出了一套自动化优化流程的框架;

4.Therefore, it can be strongly and apppcably meaningful for the NX Power Supply Company to conduct HR development planning study and design.因此,对NX供电公司进行人力资源发展规划研究与设计具有非常强的实践意义。

5.NX is open source terminal server software developed by a for-profit company.NX是由某个盈利公司开发的一种开源终端服务器。

6.As such, it has an identifier, abbreviated as "Nx. y" in the figure.因此,服务规范具有标识符,在该图中缩写为“Nx.y”。

7.NX represents the imbalance between exports and imports of goods and services.代表物品与服务的出口与进口的不平衡。

8.E-book supports ". TXT" format, picture supports "NX-JPG" format.电子书支持的格式为“。TXT”,图片支持的格式为“NX-JPG”

9.If you aren't getting the performance you need for remote viewing, give NX a try.如果您的远程查看性能不尽人意,何不尝试一下NX。

10.Above fares are only apppcable to NX's appointed agent in Macau Area.以上价格只适用于澳门航空之特约旅行社。