





5.纳斯瑞拉在黎巴嫩,有一张幅图片的画面是黎巴嫩真主党的领袖「纳斯瑞拉」(Nasrallah) 在空中高举枪枝,告诉以色列的国防军 (IDF) …


1.Sheik Hassan Nasrallah's appearance on Lebanese television came after Israep forces pulled out of a Hezbollah stronghold border town.纳斯鲁拉在以色列军队撤离一个真主党的边界据点后出现在黎巴嫩电视上。

2.Analyst Rami Nasrallah said he will be surprised if leaders of the two sides reach any kind of deal.分析人士纳斯鲁拉说,他很怀疑双方领导人会达成任何协议。

3.Sayed Hassan Nasrallah yesterday warned Israel of 'big surprises', and today he showed Israel some of these.譬如哈桑·纳斯鲁拉(真主党领导人)昨日警告以色列将得到一个“大惊喜”,而今天他向以色列展示了此预警的一部分。

4.Mr Nasrallah may of course feel strong enough to ignore a call for an immediate ceasefire.当然纳斯拉拉赫先生可能感觉到足够强大后就会忽视立即停火的呼吁。

5.The blogger quotes Nasrallah saying that contrary to all propaganda, "Iran is helping the oppressed" .纳斯拉亚表示,伊朗所为与所有政治宣传相反,“是在帮助受迫害者”。

6.Hassan Nasrallah gave his reaction to the tribunal's arrest warrants in a televised address.HassanNasrallah在电视讲话中对法庭的逮捕令作出了回应。

7.But Hassan Nasrallah said they would not be detained, not even in 300 years.但是HassanNasrallah称,他们一定不会被拘留,即使300年以后也不会。

8.Within days of the ceasefire, Mr Nasrallah said it was "too early" to discuss disarming.在停火的这几天里,纳斯鲁拉称现在就来讨论解散武装还为时过早。

9.Note Ya'alon's icy warning to Yasser Arafat and Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah that "their turn is drawing near. "请注意亚龙对阿拉法特和黎巴嫩真主党领袖哈桑冷冰冰的警告。“他们已即将山穷水尽。”

10.In another part of video, Nasrallah also praises the Iranian regime for quelpng protests after the presidential election in June 2009.在另一段影片中,纳斯拉亚赞扬伊朗政府在去年六月总统大选后,镇压各项抗争活动。