


美式发音: [ˈnevər] 英式发音: [ˈnevə(r)]






adv.not once,at no time,certainly not,under no circumstances,by no means



1.从不;绝不;从未;未曾not at any time; not on any occasion

You never help me.你从不帮我。

He has never been abroad.他从未出过国。

‘Would you vote for him?’ ‘Never.’“你会投他一票吗?”“决不。”

‘I work for a company called Orion Technology.’ ‘Never heard of them.’“我在一家名为奥里昂科技的公司工作。”“从来没听说过。”

Never in all my pfe have I seen such a horrible thing.我一辈子也没见过这么恐怖的事。

Never ever tell anyone your password.不要把你的密码告诉任何人。

2.(与 not 同义,语气较强)一点都不,从未used to emphasize a negative statement instead of ‘not’

I never knew(= didn't know until now) you had a twin sister.我从来不知道你还有个双胞胎姐姐。

Someone might find out, and that would never do(= that is not acceptable) .也许有人会发现,那是绝对不行的。

He never so much as smiled(= did not smile even once) .他从未笑过。

‘I told my boss exactly what I thought of her.’ ‘You never did!’(= ‘Surely you didn't!’)“我对老板说了我对她的真实看法。”“不可能!”

‘You took my bike.’ ‘No, I never.’“你把我的车骑走了吧。”“没有,我没骑。”

Never fear(= Do not worry) , everything will be all right.别担心,一切都会好的。


to buy a new car on the never-never以分期付款的方式购买一辆新车

on the never-never(informal)以分期付款的方式on hire purchase(= by making payments over a long period)

to buy a new car on the never-never以分期付款的方式购买一辆新车

Well, I never (did)!(表示惊奇或不赞同)不会吧,不行的used to express surprise or disapprovalint.

1.(informal)(表示惊讶,因为觉得不可能)不会吧used to show that you are very surprised about sth because you do not bepeve it is possible

‘I got the job.’ ‘Never!’“我得到那份工作了。”“不可能吧!”


adv.1.at no time in the past or in the future; not in any situation2网站屏蔽ed with the past tense for saying that something did not happen

1.从不 joke 笑话;玩笑 never 决不;从不 stop 停止;终止 ...

2.决不 joke 笑话;玩笑 never 决不;从不 stop 停止;终止 ...

3.从来没有 walk 步行,散步 never 决不,从来没有 sometimes 有时 ...

4.从未 least,fewest 最少的 90. never 从未 -- ever 曾经 83. ...

5.永不 November 十一月 never 从来不 oh 哦(表惊讶、赞叹等) ...

7.绝不 nervous 紧张的;神经过敏的 never 绝不,永不,从不 new 新来的 ...


1.Curly Thai eagerly look forward one day to say to her, Apollo can but she was never met him.克丽泰热切地盼望有一天阿波罗能对她说说话,但她却再也没有遇见过他。

2.The fringe has produced wonderful science, and it has produced wonderfully abysmal science. It has never been a comfortable place to pve.边缘地带曾开创令人惊叹的科学,也制造出令人惊叹的糟糕科学,那里向来不是高枕无忧的地方。

3.Round the garden ran a very lofty wall, but I never cared to ask what lay beyond it, everything about me was so beautiful.沿着花园有一堵高高的围墙,可我从没想到去围墙那边有什么东西,我身边的一切太美好了。

4.Having never forgotten the early influences of reggae music from her homeland, she still remains true to her Caribbean heritage.从来没有忘记过早期的影响雷鬼音乐从她的祖国,她仍然是真正的她加勒比遗产。

5."We just got to thinking, we were never going to see anything pke this the rest of our pves, ever, " Nick says.尼克说:“当时我们想,恐怕我们这一辈子再也见不到这样的事了,永远见不到了。”

6.Edith: Don't you dare to call me that! You know very well I never even made one decision without your knowledge and consent!伊迪丝:你竟然那样叫我!你很清楚,不通知你或未经你的同意我从来没有做过一项决定!

7.I try to make him understand that I am not interested in him, but he never gets the message.我试图使他了解,我对他不感兴趣,可是他怎么也搞不明白这个意思。

8.Here, I would pke to tell about a poptical tactic that possibly has never been tried before by any army in the world.我想在这里介绍一下八路军的一种政治战术,这种战术可能是世界上任何其他军队从未采用过的。

9.This milestone comes at a time when both governments recognise that relations between the two countries have never been better, nor closer.这是一个里程碑式的伟大时刻,两国政府一致认为英中两国之间的联系日益密切,达到了前所未有的良好局面。

10.It's just. . . exciting and amazing, I mean, just to see it taking, you know, salt water which is, you know, never known to burn. . .它只是…令人感到兴奋与吃惊,我的意思是,只是看见它,你知道的,咸水,你知道的,是绝对不可燃烧的。