




1.你从未离开 身不由己 Involuntarily 你从未离开 Never Left 至少 At Least ...

2.播放你从未离开 你从未离开 Never Left 播放你从未离开 Never Left 留言 Message ...

3.你从未脱节 ... 不由自主 Involuntarily 你从未脱节 Never Left 方今 Till Now ...

4.永远不曾离去 ... 永远不曾离去..., never left 假如我们不曾忘记 if can we don't forget ...


1.But she left us a passion for the pure knowable world and she filled me with a curiosity which has never left.但她留给我们的热情和纯可知,她令我感到好奇,从来没有离开过。

2.His energy has really never left the conscious plane of this planet, yet most choose to see this beautiful Light at a distance.他的能量真正的没有离开这个行星的意识平面,然而多数选择在相当的距离看这美好的光。

3.There, prisoners are guarded constantly, never left alone or allowed to speak to any outsider without permission.在那儿,囚犯们始终被看守着,从来不许单独离开,没得到允许从来不准同外人说话。

4.Jewish Mother: I never left you to go out with anybody except your father.母亲:除了跟你父亲,我可从来没有扔下你跟别人出去过。

5.One day we had a hopday, and I asked him to play with me. But he said he would never left his desk.有一天放假,我叫哥哥跟我一起玩,可是他说他不愿离开他的书桌。

6.He could always bury himself in work, but, since the miscarriage, she never left the house.他一直公务缠身,而她自流产之后寸步不离家门。

7.TheTokyo native flew into Mexico with a tourist visa and a return ticket home, but he never left the airport.东京当地曾寄来一个旅游护照和返国机票,但是他仍没有离开。

8.If I did not encounter the Dead, good, if not, I have never left my room, I would not know I had so lonely.如果我没有遇到善良的佩格,如果我从来没不曾离开过我的房间,我就不会知道我原来是这样的孤独。

9.Jacob had never left his father's room before; he had been a mother's boy and not an adventurer pke his brother.雅各,不像他哥哥那样勇于冒险,从小就是妈妈的乖宝宝,很少离开家。

10.The brilpant return of SSH with his outstanding performance in EOE gave viewers a false impression, as if he has never left the TV screen.而这次宋承宪的华丽回归,以及他在《伊甸之东》当中的出色表演,甚至让观众有些错觉,仿佛他从未离开过电视机屏幕一般。