




1.新红 新红铝色淀 - New red aluminium lake 新红 - New red 天然苋菜红 - Natural amaranthus red ...

2.新红色 海军蓝 Navy BLUE 新红色 New RED 水蓝 water blue ...

3.新红铝色淀 ... 赤藓红铝色淀 Erythosine 新红铝色淀 new red 柠檬黄铝色淀 Tartrazine ...

4.新红标准品 ... 硫酸链霉素标准品 Streptomycin sulfate 新红标准品 New Red 诺氟沙星标准品 Norfloxacin|MK-366|AM-715|Baccida…

5.新增大红色 ... 粉橘色 Powder orange 新增大红色New red 白色 white ...

6.桃红 cadmium red 镉红 new red 桃红 Praseodymium-Zircon Yellow 镨黄 ...

7.正红色颜  色: 正红色NEW RED),另有26色可选


1."Seven save us, " he said, quite forgetting his new red god in his shock.震惊中把他新近改信的红神忘得干干净净了。

2.Chiang kai-shek in mainland China in the latent every put me to spy, new red regime killed in his cradle.蒋介石电令潜伏在大陆的特务,妄图一举把我新生的红色政权扼杀在摇篮里。

3.Her new 'Red Cat' series continues her commentary on capitapsm, with figures clutching McDonald's fries, iPhones and digital cameras.她最新的《红猫》(RedCat)雕塑系列延续了她对资本主义的诠释,雕塑人物有的手抓麦当劳薯条,有的拿着iPhone和数码相机。

4.You can craft the two original records, and a new red customizable record.您可以手工原来的两个记录,一个新的红色定制的纪录。

5.There was enough space in the bone for the health marrow to start producing new red blood cells.在骨骼中有足够的空间让健康的骨髓生产新的红血球。

6.Just then the thief screeches into the car park in a brand new red sports car, radio blaring.就在此时,窃贼溜到停车场,钻进一辆全新的红色跑车中,大声响起广播。

7.Mary has a new red car, but I only have an old bike.玛丽有一辆新的红色轿车,但我只有一辆旧自行车。

8."My new red coat is much too nice for any of her babies, " said Snuffle, "and as for my old blue one. I want that, too. "“我的新红外套对她孩子来讲未免太好了,”哼哼说道,“至于我的旧蓝外套,我也需要。”

9.The new red pne is now to avoid a credit event for CDSs.新的底线是现在避免信用违约互换的信用事件。

10.I tried to persuade her, but without effect. Her new red dress will produce quite an effect oneveryone.她的新红衣服会对大家产生很大影响。