




1.纽约城市马拉松在获救后展开了新生活。第12位被救出矿坑的潘尼亚(Edison Pena),即将参加7日在美国举行的纽约市马拉松大赛(New York

4.纽约市马拉松 ... 梅西感恩节大游行- Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade 纽约市马拉松赛- New York City Maratho


1.Mr. Fleming won the New York City Marathon twice and has coached athletes ranging from adolescents to college and nationally ranked runners.弗莱明先生两次赢得纽约市马拉松比赛,训练过从大学到国家的很多运动员。

2.And in 1994, although he had stopped his long runs, he ran ten miles of the New York City marathon- with me.在1994年,虽然他终止了他的长跑,他仍然和我跑完了10公里的纽约市马拉松比赛。

3.My sister Cindy and I ran the New York City Marathon together, side-by-side, even holding hands when we crossed the finish pne.我和姐姐辛迪一起参加了纽约市马拉松赛跑,我们肩并肩,甚至在跑过终点线时还握着手。

4.Hirsch says he discovered that when he ran in the New York City Marathon a decade ago.赫斯基博士说他早在十年前参加纽约市马拉松赛跑时就已发现了这一点。

5.Pena is set to arrive in New York on Thursday to attend Sunday's New York City Marathon after officials invited him.佩纳将在周四抵达纽约,在官员邀请他之后,参加星期日举行的纽约市的马拉松比赛。

6.Instead of losing, she blazes past the lead pack and wins, wins the New York City Marathon, goes home with a big fat check.她没有输,她超过了领先集团并赢得了比赛,赢了纽约市马拉松赛,带着大笔奖金回家。

7.Ben Rapoport hit the wall while running the New York City Marathon five years ago. Here's how he describes it五年前,本-拉波波特跑纽约市马拉松比赛时撞墙了。

8.The new York city marathon expo纽约马拉松赛跑博览会