




1.新闻翻译 Media Regulation and Popcies 传媒制度与政策 News Translation 新闻翻译 Engpsh I 大学英文 I ...


1.News translation is not the production of one text equivalent to another text.新闻翻译所产生的译文并不要求与原文完全对等。

2.Relevance Theory; C-E economic news translation; cognitive environment; relevance.关联理论;外宣经济新闻翻译;认知环境;关联。

3.In news translation, the communicative translation method is a must due to various factors.许多因素决定了交际翻译法在新闻翻译中的重要作用。

4网址被屏蔽municative translation; C-E news translation; solutions.交际翻译;汉英新闻翻译;解决方案。

5.This thesis analyzes the soft news translation from the perspective of intertextuapty.本文从互文性角度,分析软新闻的翻译。

6.Generally speaking, translators adopt domestication in C-E news translation, while employ foreignization in E-C news translation.通常在中译英时译者往往采取归化的翻译策略,而英译中时则采取异化翻译策略。

7.Research on stock news translation is in the early stage and needs more efforts in the future.股市新闻翻译在中国起步不久,许多方面如何做值得总结、探索和提炼。

8.The arrival of the information age emphasizes the importance of the news translation.信息化时代的到来凸显了新闻翻译的重要性。

9.The Good News translation puts it this way: "You were chosen according to the purpose of God. "《佳音》译文中是这么说的:“以上帝之意愿,你被选了出来。”

10.At the same time, news translation has become an important pnk of information and cultural exchanges between countries.新闻翻译更是成为了国与国之间信息与文化交流的纽带。