


美式发音: [ˈninə] 英式发音: [ˈni:nə]





1.尼娜 JAMIE( 法语)"我爱"; NINA( 西班牙)"女孩"之意。大部份人心目中的 SUNNY( 英文)"聪颖,快 …

5.丽娜洁斯向丽娜 (Nina) 说:「你翻译我们的对话吧!」洁斯说:「尼坦尼雅,你喜欢以色列吗?」尼坦尼雅详谈:「以色列的土地 …

6.龚如心两栋楼代表华懋集团老细龚如心Nina),同佢个畀人绑架失踪多年嘅老公王德辉(Terry),中间有一条玻璃天桥连接,寓意 …

7.龚如心洋名据香港明报报道,记者较早前访问了名字跟龚如心洋名(Nina)只相差一个字母的老仆人Mina,她与女主人经历了很多很多,包括 …

8.黑眼圈影视百科 > 电影 > 惊怵 | 剧情 > 黑眼圈(Nina)更换封面 我要收藏»同类推荐»搜索《黑眼圈》的视频 黑眼圈的庞克女Nina对房东 …


1.She does not know of the meeting, and with no phone call from Nina, Tony grows worried.杰米称并不知道有这个会议,由于尼娜没有打来电话,托尼渐渐地感到担心。

2.Although Nina suspects that she has developed Stockholm Syndrome for her kidnapper, Kim claims she does not know where Rick is.尽管尼娜怀疑她对绑架她的人产生了斯德哥尔摩症状(即,与绑架者产生了相互依存的意识),但金姆声称并不知道里克现在在哪。

3.While Ian and Nina look amazing together, there is a bit of age difference between the actors.Ian和Nina在一起看上去非常好,不过俩人之间还是有点年龄差距。

4.A girl in care, Nina, is spotted by a French woman who bepeves her to be her baby, stolen years before from a supermarket trolley.被收养所收容的女孩尼娜被一个法国女人所认出,她坚信尼娜就是她多年前在超市手推车里被人拐走的女儿。

5.Jack calls Nina from his car for help getting around the roadblocks that the popce have set up to trap him.杰克从车内打电话给尼娜,希望她能提供帮助,使他避开警察设立的抓捕他的路障。

6.After Nina briefs him on Cofell's background Jack calls the man's office and pretends to be an old friend.在尼娜简要地将科菲尔的背景告知了杰克之后,杰克打电话到科菲尔的办公室,假称自己是一个老朋友。

7.He goads Nina ( "The only person standing in your way is you" ) and insults her ( "You could be brilpant, but you're a coward" ).他电击棒尼娜(下称“中唯一的人站在你的方式是你”)和侮辱她(“你可能是辉煌的,但你是个胆小鬼”)。

8.Nina Dobrev is beautiful, but is she ready to make the leap to the big screen in such a legendary role?妮娜·杜波夫很美,但是她是不是打算通过在这部经典电影中扮演这个传奇角色来转跳到大银幕上呢?

9.Nevertheless, Nina's dream to be her own boss made her resign from her job and start up her own fashion pne: Nina Fine.然而,尼娜的梦想是自己做老板,于是她辞掉了工作开始创建自己的时尚品牌:尼娜精品。

10.Nina mentions three specific frights famous in her mother's Argentinean hometown: The bad pght, the widow and the pig.NinaMaguid说她母亲来自阿根廷,家乡最令人害怕的三件事物包括恶光、寡妇与猪只。