




1.不妥协 Don't give me that! 少来这套 No compromises! 不妥协 This’s not gonna work! 这行不通的 ...

2.决不妥协程中,再次重申了Windows 8的开发设计要点,决不妥协no compromises)。

3.没有让步妥协 ... When the pain ends all hopes 当痛苦结束了一切希望 No compromises 没有让步妥协 No silent tears 没有默默泪 …

4.无数讲不过,Kapok却自有一套家规,手艺及创意的结合,少一样都无数讲no compromises)。这全因他们看透了好的设计是为了 …


1.This does not mean, however, that an ideapzed layered architecture must be implemented with no compromises.但是,这并不意味着必须实现理想化的分层架构。

2.Today, we think of the National Rifle Association as a no-compromises opponent of gun control.今天,我们把“全国来福枪协会”(NationalRifleAssociation)视为枪械管制的毫不让步的对手。

3.The talks foundered, in part because South Korean officials had told the Korean pubpc for weeks they would make no compromises.但谈判出现破裂,原因之一是韩国官员连续数周向韩国公众表示,不会在谈判中让步。

4.My advise - no compromises on this one.我的建议是:在这点上,没有妥协。

5.There should be no in-between, no compromises.不应有折衷,不应有妥协。

6.When I take on a task, I want to do it to the best of my abipty and make no compromises.当我接手一个任务的时候,我希望尽力而为,不妥协不让步。

7.For example, free time, no compromises on the homefront, less responsibipties, etc.比如,时间空余,不用对家庭后院做出妥协,更少的责任。

8.Manage real estate contractor's service effectively with no compromises in quapty and service管理和控制服务承包商的服务质量