




1.诺基亚 PEMEX 墨西哥 NOKIA 芬兰 SKANDIA GROUP 瑞典 ...


6.手机厂诺基亚手机厂诺基亚(Nokia)亚洲业务主管表示,亚洲地区的广播至手机的行动电视业务(TV services beamed directly to the mobile pho…

7.诺基亚集团诺基亚集团Nokia)公司成立于1865年,早期从事造纸、化工、橡胶行业,20世纪60年代开始进入电信市场。主要生产移动 …


1.Nokia spokesman Mark Durrant said the company was aware of the lawsuit and would "take whatever steps needed to protect its rights. "诺基亚发言人MarkDurrant表示,该公司注意到这一诉讼,将“采取一切必要措施保护自身权益。”

2.Basically, if Apple were to be found in violation it'd have to pay three times the amount of whatever the judgment won by Nokia.基本上,如果发现苹果侵权,它不得不以诺基亚所赢得判决数额的三倍给予赔付。

3.All this will no doubt help Nokia come up with better, if not magic, products.这些努力无疑将帮助诺基亚推出更优质-如果称不上神奇的话-的产品。

4.The company might have to write down its stake in the unprofitable Nokia Siemens Networks (NSN) [NSN. UL] venture, Kaeser said.Kaeser表示,西门子可能不得不减记其在该合资公司所持权益的账面价值。

5."Thanks darpng. I love you" said his wife as he opened the car door with an infra red control on his Nokia device.“谢谢你,亲爱的,我爱你。”打开车门之际,他听到了通过诺基亚手机红外线控制器传来的妻子的声音。

6.In a market nowadays dominated by Google's Android, Apple's iOS, and BlackBerry OS, it's pretty easy to overlook Nokia.在如今这个由谷歌的Android、苹果(Apple)的iOS,以及黑莓(BlackBerry)操作系统主宰的市场中,诺基亚很容易被忽略。

7.A Nokia spokesman said the company does not comment on future product plans.诺基亚发言人说公司对未来产品计划不做评论

8.However, Nokia seems to be looking at the potential for community development as a major benefit of the machine.然而,Nokia似乎更想把社区开发的潜能作为这台机器的主要优点之一。

9.Nokia spokesperson denied the price cut was unusual, saying that it was just a routine business decision.但诺基亚发言人表示调价是正常运营的一部分。

10.In a series of globe-spanning meetings in recent months, Nokia, too, began to see Microsoft as the best fit.经过近几个月一系列的全球性会议后,诺基亚也开始将微软视为最合适人选。