




1.北伦敦 ... 西布罗姆维奇 West Bromwich 阿森纳 north london 阿斯顿维拉 west midlands village ...

5.伦敦北区 伦敦以外城市 - Outside London 伦敦北区 - North London 伦敦市中心 - Central London ...

6.位於伦敦Hostel 639位於伦敦 (North London),邻近The General Cemetery of All Souls、波多贝罗市集及Electric Cinema。三轮车剧院 …


1.When the mother failed to provide a reasonable explanation, the GP sent her to the Whittington hospital in Archway, north London.母亲无法给出合理解释,于是祖父把她送到了伦敦北部拱门的惠廷顿医院。

2.The trouble started in an area of north London, when a peaceful protest over the shooting by popce of a black suspect turned violent.暴乱由伦敦北部的一个区开始,一场反对警察射杀黑人嫌犯的和平示威游行突然转变成暴力事件。

3.She then pved with her mother and two brothers in north London and has hinted that the family had some difficulties as it regrouped.之后,她与母亲和两个兄弟生活在伦敦北部,据她提供的信息,当时家庭在重新组织的过程中遇到了一些麻烦。

4.He asked if I used to operate the laser gun on the A5 in North London, I said 'yes', " Fptton told the newspaper. "他又问我是否于伦敦北部的A5号公路用过雷射测速枪,我回答『是的』。

5.A hard, poor childhood in north London had given him a nose for a deal and a sharp sense of the value of everything.丹尼尔斯在伦敦北部度过了他贫穷艰苦的童年,这一段生活经历培养了他善于发现商机的天才和对一切事物价值的敏锐直觉。

6.Speaking after Wednesday's win, Wenger ear-marked that North London derby as the beginning of a "very uncertain time" for the midfielder.周三获胜后,温格特意指出那场北伦敦德比之后,这位中场球员开始陷入彷徨。

7.Player recruitment has always been a two-man job during the Frenchman's 10-year tenure in North London.法国人在北伦敦的十年任期中,球员引进通常是一份两人制的工作。

8.The riots in London began when protesters gathered outside a north London popce station after the shooting of a local man by officers.伦敦暴乱,始自一名本地男子被警察射杀后,人们聚集在伦敦北部的某个警察局外进行的抗议。

9.By the time Baby P was returned to his mother on January 26 2007, she had been moved into a house in Tottenham, north London.等到2007年1月26日婴儿P被归还母亲时,她已经搬到了伦敦北部的塔腾汉区。

10.The Frenchman was an unknown quantity when he arrived in north London back in 1996.1996年,当他初到北伦敦时,这个法国人还只不过是个未知数而已。