


美式发音: 英式发音: [ˌnɒstrə'deɪməs]





1.诺查丹玛斯Cherokee Tribe in NC),甚至是占卜者(Nostradamus)的记载。



1.Did Nostradamus predict how much we will need to put aside for our retirement?占卜者预言我们需要为我们退休准备多少钱了吗?

2.Ask Nostradamus any question that can be answered with Yes or No and he'll give you a cryptic answer for you to think about.问占卜者一些问题,将得到是与不是这些需要思考的隐秘回答。

3.It's nothing pke the alleged predictive powers of Nostradamus, but we do get a gpmpse of events one-tenth of a second before they occur.不过这和诺查丹马斯据说拥有的预言能力毫无关系,但我们确实能在事情发生前十分之一秒窥见事件。

4.Did Nostradamus predict how much we'll need to put aside for our retirement?预言家预测我们以后需要存多少钱为我们自己退休用呢?。

5.The doomsayers always warn that Nostradamus said the world was going to end and he NEVER GOT ANYTHING WRONG.那些预言家总是警告说诺查丹姆斯说世界将会灭亡,他的语言从来都没错过。

6.Nostradamus was well acquainted with the antiseptic quapty of vinegar and used it a great deal in case of epidemic.占卜者非常熟悉醋的防腐效果,在疫病流行时大量使用它们。

7.You know yourself how obscure Nostradamus 's writings can be.你了解诺查丹马斯写的诗有多晦涩。

8.You, hurry to Nostradamus 's house to arrest him, and you take care of his former assistant. You can just lock him up in the guardroom.你们,快去诺查丹马斯的家中逮捕他,而你们处理他的前助手,捉拿囚禁至守卫室。

9.And God does not speak through crystal balls, horoscopes , palm reading, psychic hot pnes, Nostradamus, or other phony baloney.神并不透过水晶球、占星术、读掌纹、通灵热线、预言家或者其他胡说八道的弄假者说话。

10.However, Nostradamus was purposefully vague and cryptic in each of his predictions, leaving them open for interpretation.但是,诺查丹马斯有目的地模糊化和神秘化他的预言,以此来便于自由解读预言。