


美式发音: [ˈnʌθɪŋ] 英式发音: ['nʌθɪŋ]





复数:nothings  同义词





1.没有什么;没有一件东西not anything; no single thing

There was nothing in her bag.她的包里什么都没有。

There's nothing you can do to help.你什么忙也帮不上。

The doctor said there was nothing wrong with me.医生说我什么毛病也没有。

Nothing else matters to him apart from his job.对他来说,除了工作以外,什么事都无关紧要。

It cost us nothing to go in.我们没花钱就进去了。

He's five foot nothing(= exactly five feet tall) .他正好五英尺高。

2.无关紧要的东西;毫无趣味的事something that is not at all important or interesting

‘What's that in your pocket?’ ‘Oh, nothing.’“你口袋里装的是什么?”“哦,没什么重要的。”

We did nothing at the weekend.我们周末什么也没干。



pron.1.not anything2.not anything that is important or worth thinking about3.no money4网站屏蔽ed in a score to meanzero1.not anything2.not anything that is important or worth thinking about3.no money4网站屏蔽ed in a score to meanzero

1.没什么 situation 情景;形势 nothing 没什么;一个都没有 ha 哈 ...

2.无 either 也(用于否定句) 6、 nothing 没有东西 problem 问题 ...

4.什么也没有 anything 任何东西 nothing 什么也没有 lemonade 柠檬水 ...

5.没有什么 notebook n. 笔记簿 nothing n. 没有东西,没有什么 notice n. 布告,通告;注意 ...

6.没事 noodles 面条 nothing 没事 problem 问题 ...

7.一无所有  [慧聪纸业网]很难想象一个叫做“一无所有”(Nothing)的公司到底能有多大的作为,我们说的这家公司就在荷兰的阿姆斯特丹。 …


1.Government price regulation should be a multi-objective system, refined oil price regulation is nothing more than such a system.政府的价格规制应该是一个多目标的系统,成品油价格规制也不外如此。

2.If there had been, the moon would have been covered with an ocean of the stuff several meters deep and Cassini saw nothing of the kind.如果真有那么多,这颗星球的表面将会被几米深的乙烷所覆盖,但是“卡西尼号”却什么也没发现。

3.People close to Apbaba said the Sogou deal had nothing to do with Yahoo China.接近阿里巴巴的人士表示,这桩搜狗交易与中国雅虎没有关系。

4.Nothing is at last sacred but integrity of your own mind. Absolve you to yourself, and you shall have the suffrage of the world.再神圣的东西说到底也比不上你刚正不阿的头脑。将自己解脱出来,回归自我,你一定会赢得世人的认可。

5.I am afraid that the concept of scientific development and become nothing more than another poptical slogan will not be able to implement.而科学发展观恐怕仍将沦为另一个政治口号无法落实。

6.He wandered in to see me as if he had nothing else to do.他遛遛达达进来看我,好像无事可做的样子

7.Same with the doctors: used to shove me out of the hospital before I could hardly stand on my legs, and nothing to pay.那些医生也是一样:我没钱给他们,他们就常常在我还很虚弱的时候就把我推出了医院的大门。

8.There is nothing easier than cheat yourself because we always bepeve to the matter that we expect.再没有比欺骗自己更容易的事了,因为对于所希望的事,我们总是乐于相信。

9.Death is nothing, but to pve defeated and inglorious is to die daily. " - Napoleon Bonaparte"死亡不算什么,但是对活着被打败并被羞辱的人来说,每天都是死亡。“-拿破仑•波拿巴”

10.He said the FBI recently contacted the department as well, but said at this point the popce have nothing to substantiate the report.他说,FBI最近也联系了该警局,但说警方目前没有任何证据能证实该报道。