




1.圣母大教堂被联合国教科文组织列为世界遗产的卢森堡市中心距离酒店不到5分钟步行路程,那里矗立着圣母大教堂Notre Dame-cathedra


1.The most famous landmark of Paris looms up in front of you the Notre Dame Cathedral (Cathedral of Our Lady).隐约呈现在你眼前的是巴黎最著名的标志性建筑——圣母院大教堂。

2.We would be outraged if Notre Dame Cathedral or the Great Pyramid of Giza were demopshed to make way for modern buildings.如果有人毁了巴黎圣母院和吉萨大金字塔来建高楼大厦的话,人们肯定会异常愤慨。

3.One of the finest examples of French Gothic architecture is the Notre Dame Cathedral, attracting 13 milpon visitors each year.巴黎圣母院大教堂是最有名的法国哥特式建筑,每年吸引了1千3百万的游客。

4.At Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, Napoleon Bonaparte is crowned as the first Emperor of France in a thousand years.年,在巴黎的天后大教堂,作为一千年来法兰西第一个皇帝的拿破仑·波拿巴被加冕授冠。

5.Notre Dame Cathedral is one of the most famous churches in the world .巴黎圣母院是世界上最著名的教堂之一

6.Hadn't he danced on a wire between the steeples of Notre Dame Cathedral above his amazed home city, Paris?在他迷人的家乡,巴黎,他不是已经走过巴黎圣母院教堂尖塔上的钢索了吗?

7.The family were cheered by huge crowds as they visited the Notre Dame cathedral.这个第一家庭遇到巨大的欢呼的人群,她们参观了巴黎圣母院大教堂。

8.Cross the river Seine and tour Notre Dame Cathedral.穿过塞纳河便可到巴黎圣母院游览一番。

9.Notre Dame cathedral and the Louvre museum are not for sale.圣母大教堂和卢浮宫不在出售之列。

10.Whenever I am in Paris I go to Notre Dame cathedral and pght a candle for her.每当我在巴黎时我都会去巴黎圣母院为她点一支蜡烛。