


英文单词:轨道碳观测卫星(Orbiting Carbon Observatory)


1.轨道碳观测卫星(Orbiting Carbon Observatory)日,美国航空航天局的第一颗测量二氧化碳含量的卫星 OCOOrbiting Carbon Observatory)发射失败,之后美国航空航天 …


1.He said that broken whiskers oco uld be easily replaced without affecting the main body of the robot and its expensive engineering.他说,弄坏的触须能够容易地替换而不影响机器人的主体及其昂贵的工程学部件。

2.OCO measurements could give us an indication of how much longer we can burn fossil fuels at the rate that we're burning them now.观测卫星(OCO)的测量数据可以给我们一个指标,以现在我们燃烧石化燃料的速度还能有多久。

3.This week, NASA selected Orbital Sciences Corporation of Dulles, VA, to provide OCO-2's launch services at a cost of $70 million.本周,国家宇航局选择了杜勒斯轨道科学公司为“轨道碳观测者2号”提供发射升空服务。为此国家宇航局将支付七千万美元费用。

4.Once launched, OCO will form part of a loose group of American satellites called the "A-train" .一旦被发射,OCO将成为美国分散的卫星群“A-系列”的一部分。

5.But Mark O'Connell of OCO Global, a consulting firm, describes the national strategy for FDI as "embryonic" .来自咨询公司OCOGlobal的马克·奥康奈尔说,美国关于外国直接投资的政策还处于“胚胎期”。

6.OCO will similarly study carbon dioxide and also oxygen signatures in reflected sunlight.类似地OCO将用于研究二氧化碳和被反射的阳光中的氧的信号。

7.Risk Control - Stop, limit, OCO and If Done orders are available.风险控制-止损、限价、如果成交和选择性定单都能使用。

8.In February 2013, NASA has announced, it will launch its Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2) spacecraft.美国宇航局宣布,将于2013年2月发射“轨道碳观测者2号”(OCO-2)宇宙飞船。

9.Research on treatment of domestic wastewater by integral OCO process一体化OCO工艺处理生活污水研究

10.Application of the OCO Technique in Sewage Disposal of CityOCO污水处理工艺在城市污水处理中的应用