


英文单词:每个孩子一台笔记本电脑(one laptop per child);学童人手一台笔记本电脑;百元笔记本


1.每个孩子一台笔记本电脑(one laptop per child)应获得2010年诺贝尔和平奖的提名,此议还得到了“学童人手一台笔记本电脑”(OLPC)项目创建人尼古拉斯·尼葛洛庞帝(Nichola…

3.百元笔记本百元笔记本(OLPC)是由尼葛洛庞帝提出,并得到了AMD等巨头的支持,但其产业化在不断增长的成本数字面前,一直裹步不前 …

4.百元笔记本项目但是,百元笔记本项目OLPC)安全架构主管Ivan Krstic却表示, MacBook Air的2GB DDR2 SDRAM内存直接与主板相连, …


1.In May, Mr. Negroponte appeared on CBS's '60 Minutes' and blasted Intel, suggesting it was trying to drive his nonprofit out of business.月份,尼葛洛庞帝现身哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)“60分钟”节目,猛烈抨击了英特尔,指出英特尔试图把非营利机构OLPC逼到绝境。

2.OLPC found a strong uptake for a "give one, get one" campaign it launched in North America in November.OLPC发现,人们对其去年11月在北美启动的“买二捐一”(giveone,getone)活动反响热烈。

3.The main page for the OLPC provides information on the project, its history and goals, and how things are going so far.OLPC的主页提供了有关此项目的很多信息,包括其历史和目标以及目前状态等等。

4.The OLPC initiative maintains an active wiki site with a considerable amount of documentation and technical detail.OLPC还有专门的wiki站点,内有大量文档和技术细节。

5.It turns out that OLPC really touched a nerve and I found out that everybody wants this laptop for kids in the developing world.事实说明,OLPC真的触动了大家的神经,我发现,在发展中国家每个人都想给孩子配备一款这样的笔记本电脑。

6.Click below for the OLPC latest news, as well as for an extensive print and electronic press archive.点击下面连接可以获得有关OLPC的最新报道,以及传统媒体和电子媒体相关报道的存档。

7.Three years later, OLPC appears to be changing the computer industry, although not in the way its founders imagined.时隔3年之后,OLPC计划似乎正在改变着电脑行业——尽管并非以该计划创始者们最初设想的方式。

8.OLPC says its research in Rwanda and elsewhere suggests that children work harder and think more creatively with a laptop.OLPC表示,在卢安达和其他地方的研究指出,利用计算机的学童会在学习上更认真且想法更有创意。

9.You know, all these great technologies really happened because of the the passion and the OLPC people and the engineers.这些重要科技之能加进去,全是靠一股热情、OLPC推动者、及工程师们。

10.Quanta has transformed its OLPC project team into a new business unit .广达电脑已将其OLPC项目小组转变为一个新的业务部门。
