


网络释义:外膜蛋白(outer membrane protein);正交匹配追踪(Orthogonal Matching Pursuit);正交匹配追踪算法


1.外膜蛋白(outer membrane protein)氏反射弧”未获国际公认、清华教授刘辉学术造假事件、蒙牛造骨牛奶蛋白OMP)事件、唐骏学历造假事件和近期的质疑神 …

5.特仑苏特仑苏OMP)牛奶在蒙牛诞生_滚动新闻_财经_腾讯网中国经济可能出现背离式增长_滚动新闻_财经_腾讯网国家统计局:去 …


1.Conclusion Compound Betamethasone can enhance The expression of OMP in the injured olfactory mucosa by influenza virus.结论复方倍他米松能够增加流感病毒损伤的嗅粘膜OMP的表达。

2.Consequently, vaccines against B developed in Norway, in Cuba and Netherlands are outer membrane proteins (OMP).因此,挪威、古巴和荷兰开发出来的B群疫苗所针对的是外膜蛋白(OMP)。

3.In OMP estimation, the optimal number and optimal location of pilots are ascertained by simulations and basic CS theories.根据仿真和压缩感知理论分析确定了OMP信道估计中最佳导频数和最佳导频位置。

4.Said invention also discloses the apppcation of said OMP protein and its code seqnece in preparation of vaccine.本发明还公开了这类OMP蛋白及其编码序列用于制备疫苗的用途。

5.Lipid bilayer The major proteins of the outer membrane are named outer membrane protein, OMP.脂质双层,双层内嵌有多种蛋白质,称外膜蛋白,OMP。

6.The OMP method is exploited for capturing and fusing edges and texture features in the high frequency domain.对于高频细节图像,采用OMP算法提取和融合边缘和纹理特征。

7.In the year of 2008 and 2009, there was a serious crisis in the dairy industry.2008年和2009年,在乳制品行业先后爆发了三聚氰胺事件和OMP事件。

8.ORDER MANAGEMENT AND PROCESSING (OMP) is a part of Blum E-SERVICES.订单管理和跟踪系统(OMP)是百隆在线服务的组成部分。

9.The OMP protein is a useful immunogen for preparing vaccine.OMP蛋白是一种有用的制备疫苗的免疫原。

10.A milk company in China, it seems, is adding OMP to its milk and the Chinese food safety agency is investigating.看来中国的一家公司正向牛奶中添加OMP而中国食品安全机构正在调查此事。