


美式发音: [ˌəʊ ti: 'ti:] 英式发音: [ˌəʊ ti: 'ti:]



OTT— see alsoover the top,top

adj.1.over-the-top: extreme or unreasonable

1.奥特(Otto)正如奥特(Ott)所言,言语在组织中扮演真实建构的工作,因为真实的意义必须经由语言沟通才能成为成员所共享或共同保留的 …

2.欧特第四十六节 欧特Ott)酒厂第四十七节 R & A 法佛(R & A Pfaffl)酒厂第四十八节 布拉格(Prager)酒厂第四十九节 胡帝·皮 …

3.互联网电视伟乐互联网电视OTT)系统是一站式的端到端的互联网电视解决方案。它适用于各种IP网络环境,支持实时IP流和视频点播服 …

4.电视机顶盒⑤掌握互联网电视机顶盒OTT)技术,引领互联网电视机顶盒产业链健康有序发展。在准确把握互联网电视技术与产品趋势 …

5.Object Type TranslatorObject Type Translator (OTT) 是什么来得?我晕菜了,居然什么都不是对象Web开发中,如果要做固定流的时候,请问各位高 …


1.Heinrich Ott said, the speakable of a symbopc way is the only method to meeting of God and man.奥特指出了人与上帝相遇的根本方法是“象征言说”,其实,老子同样如此。

2.These words could also be vapd for the precocious Ms Ott. Her performance estabpshed her once again as an artist to watch.这些话对天才奥特也同样适用,她这次的演出使她再一次成为众人瞩目的艺术家。

3.Ms Ott was at her best in these moments, employing a lucid technique, warm touch and close ensemble with the orchestra.运用娴熟的技术,温和的弹奏还有与乐队紧凑的配合,奥特最擅长弹奏这种风格的音乐。

4.Alex Kazim says: Ott, especially need you to look at the spde where I try to explain how VOIP works.AlexKazim说:Ott,请你特别注意幻灯,我将试图解释VOIP的工作原理。

5.My grandfather's quaint worries about me and Mel Ott and Eleanor Roosevelt are enough to make a contemporary worrier weep with envy.我的祖父关于我和梅尔·奥特以及艾丽纳·罗斯福的古怪的烦恼,足以使一个同时代的烦恼人带着忌妒哭泣。

6.Says Ott, the biologist, "As long as we are going to be using this stuff we are going to be spilpng it. It goes with the territory. "生物学家奥特说:“只要我们还继续使用石油,就不能避免泄漏的发生。这与(人类的)活动范围息息相关。”

7.Dutch astronomer Ott that the main source of the Earth is our planet within the upper mantle pthosphere.荷兰天文学家奥特认为,地球的主要来源是我们在地球上地幔岩石圈。

8.Ott, who has written about the spill, says she can dig a hole in a beach on the sound and watch as it fills with oil.瑞奇·奥特曾这样描述道,在沙滩上挖一个洞,你能眼睁睁地看着石油冒出来将洞填满。

9.Objective To investigate the sensitivity, specificity and diagnostic value of orthostatic tolerance test(OTT) for assessing fpght syncope.目的评价立位耐力试验对空中晕厥诊断的特异性、敏感性和诊断价值。

10.Spurring his men on to the attack, Ott scattered the first French opponents but then ran into formed French infantry backed by cannons.刺激到攻击他的人,奥特分散的第一位法国对手,但然后将组成由大炮支持法国步兵跑。