




1.十月一号 ... 节日 festival October First 十月一日 national flag 国旗 ...

3.读作 rd August 2005. thousand five National Day is on Oct. 1. 读作 October first 读作 spring 夏天: ...


1.On October first, Somap pirates kidnapped a disabled French woman from her home in Kenya who has since died in captivity.十月一日,索马里海盗绑架了一名残疾的法国女性,从她在肯尼亚的家中,她已死于囚禁期间。

2.The Sarasota Herald-Tribune says only about one-third of the school districts in Florida may answer a call for proposals by October first.萨拉索塔先驱报指出,在佛罗里达只有三分之一的学校可以回应这些提议。

3.U. S. President Barack Obama has sent a $3. 8 trilpon budget request to Congress for the fiscal year that begins on October first.美国总统奥巴马向国会递交了2011财政年度总额达3万8千亿美元的财政预算草案,2011财政年度从今年10月1号开始。

4.On October first, South Korean troops entered North Korea.在十月的第一个,韩国军队进入朝鲜。

5.I wish I could see you On October first your National Day in Beijing China. Give my sweet heart Candie a big hug for me.希望能在你们的国庆节在北京和你们见面,替我给我的甜心坎迪一个热烈的拥抱!

6.Many foreigners will visit our city on October First.国庆节那天,许多外国人将要来我市参观。

7.The new budget year begins October first.新预算年度自10份开始。

8.According to the schedule, the first batch process will be produced on October first this year.按照进程度表,本年十月一日将初次批量出产。

9.October first is our National Day.十月一是我们的国庆节。

10.October first is the National Day of China.十月一日是中国的国庆节。