




1.老桥 马利亚堡 Marienberg 旧缅因桥 Old Bridge 主教公署 Palace ...

7.老桥图片 金色插头图片 Golden plug 4 老桥图片 old bridge 在自行车上男人图片 man on bike ...

8.旧布里奇市e)召开新闻发布会,并签署了一项声明,任命一个来自旧布里奇市Old Bridge)的五岁男童杰西(Jesse Koczon)为当天的 …


1.At last the bus stopped. Tony could see a river and an old bridge. A small road ran across the bridge, through the field and over a hill.最后车停了下来。托尼看到一条小河和一座老旧的桥。一条小路越过小桥,穿过田野,延伸至一座小山丘的另一边。

2.There's an old bridge right above the canyon, connecting the two parts of the town.峡谷之上有座古桥,将小镇的两个部分连接在一起。

3.Modal experiments during the loading process of two reinforced concrete arch ribs from an old bridge were performed.对某旧桥中的2根钢筋混凝土拱肋进行了加载过程中的模态试验。

4.Step ahead, on the wide reiver is the old bridge walking for years, no deep of the river, so clear can see the bottom.提步向前,宽阔的河面上是走了多年的古老木桥,河水不深,清彻见底。

5.As the morning blossomed we passed by the ruins of an old bridge.早晨来临时,我们走过一座旧桥的遗址。

6.The old bridge is not strong enough to allow the passage of heavy vehicles.这座桥不够牢固,重型车辆不能通过。

7.The old bridge is not strong enough to allow the passage of heavy trucks.旧桥不够坚固,无法让重型卡车通过。

8.My mother-in-law no thanks, that helps you, please come to the old bridge raipng front, take a look at what's under the bridge?“婆婆不用谢,这事好办。您老人家请过来,到桥栏杆前面来,看看桥下有什么?”。

9.They blew up the old bridge and then built a new one across the river.他们炸毁了那座旧桥,然后在河上建了座新桥。

10.The fine, old bridge that used to span the Thames near Somerset House was designed by John Rennie.往昔横跨在萨默特大楼附近的泰晤士河上的那座精致的老桥是约翰?伦尼设计的。