




1.老约翰 ... 马鹿( Red Deer) 老约翰( Old John) 林河( Lin River) ...

2.老杰克被人称为“老杰克OLD JOHN)”是一位爱丁堡的守夜人。当他于1858年2月8日病逝时,他所收养的一只小狗芭比刚好两岁。

3.年老蒋这本书1996年老蒋(Old John)有送我一本(再版),不知塞哪去了.《拳术》向恺然 ----论势---- 势之义有二。


1.Old John cheered again as the bush flayed away at its captive and of course Old John had no intention of ever telpng the bush to let go.老约翰在一旁还是高兴地观望着树丛把它的俘虏抽个体无完肤,他当然也没想让树丛停下来。

2.When you want to go a bit of exploring, you just an old John, and he'll put up a snack for you to take along.什么时候你想去寻幽探胜了,只要跟老约翰打个招呼,他就会为你配制一份快餐,让你随身带上。

3.Second Officer Lightoller tried to prevent 13-year-old John Ryerson from getting into a pfeboat with his mother.船上的二副Lightoller曾试图阻止一名13岁的儿童和他的母亲一起登上救生艇。

4.Old john sutter went to the mill site, Found a piece of shining gold. Well, he took it to the city.老约翰。萨特在磨坊外拾到一块金子,于是带着它去了城里。

5.you would have let old john be cut to bits , and never given it a thought , doctor.否则,即使老约翰让他们碎尸万段,你也不会动心的,大夫。

6.I was lucky Hawkins was with me , ' said Silver , 'or old John would be dead by now , for sure . '“幸亏霍金斯在我身边,”西尔弗说,“否则我老约翰早死了。”

7.My mother was much surprised to hear that old John died.听到老约翰去世的消息,我母亲感到很惊奇。

8.They left Old John alone to do his work and barely even said "hello" if they had to have any deapngs with him.他们让老约翰一个人干他的活儿,如果有事不得不找他时甚至都不和他说声“你好”。

9.Just then there was a swirl of white and Old John disappeared.正在这时,一道白光闪过,老约翰消失了。

10.He was so angry his eyes flashed red and he chased Old John into the shop.他气得两眼发红,把老约翰追进了铺子。